13 years ago my wife broke her arm snowboarding at morzine, cost me a fortune just to get her off the hill not including the doctor demanding £100 before he would look at her he did nothing and sent her off to hospital for an opp.. now for the last decade i have been waiting for my revenge so in walks two french dudes yesterday wanting to rent a bit of my workshop as there mast has broken on there yacht, they intend to build there own. so there in here the now shitting up my floor not switching of there planers when i am on the phone and starting to piss me off. obviously i am not going to throw them out, but what would you charge considering the situation.
Cant blame the dudes for a shit doctor. Besides you are representing our Scottish Hospitality. Unless youre a Campbell of course. :Angelic:
They're fuckin' Frogs, they blew up the Rainbow Warrior in our harbour, they nuked the shit outta Muroroa Atoll in our back yard far away from theirs, they buckled in WW2 immediately, and some of the fuckers were on the other side, charge the fuckin' earth mate, and make sure you get 'em on electricity and materials too. (how's that for a rant)
If you've got a yacht in yer workshop, I suggest you turn the tap off and put some wellies on? Is it a high tide?
so you want to overcharge them because you didn't get the right winter sports cover? Damn those dirty frogs!
had winter cover. some dude with a stretcher came past just as it happened wanted cash or he was to busy. doctor wanted cash up front or he was to busy. got to say tho morzine is a cracking place. got hospital bill payed. no receipt from stretcher dude or doc. i now they have buggered off lunch leaving there shit lying around. whats a new exhaust coming in at for a fugly?.
Aye Fin Campbell it is. Remember laddie, the french are oor auld allies. Blame the froggies fer yer ain fault fer lettin wifey oot e the hoose. She widnea hea come tae harm if ye'd left her in the kitchen or slid her doon the hill yersel. Och ye must hae money tae burn.
cheers :smile:, i am on the boarder of campbell/macdonald country. i tend to see myself more of a macdonald, as iv been shit on more times than i care to remember. the local bar does have a sign up saying no campbells or hawkers.
Shit on a stick and smear it on their tools.... As an aside, I just had a giy round to sort the cooker because the bulb broke which meant we couldnt get it out. 5 min and £45 later kerching! And I bet the robbing fucker doesnt pay tax on it either