How often do you have to walk a dog

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by camelfarmer, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. I want a dog. I can walk the dude twice a day (11 hours a part). I can also get the neighbour's kid to walk him on days I'm away (for pocket money).

    I'm thinking of getting an akita.

    Is that too long to leave a dog unwalked?
  2. unless you have got a run i would say so. an akita is a powerful dug maybe a bit big for a kid to handle.
    i am told greyhounds make for a good house pet as they are inherently lazy.
  3. get a Tamogochi - job jobbed :upyeah:
  4. It's not too long to leave the dog, but ideally should be less really. My main concern would be, and please don't take this the wrong way, the fact that you are asking this question makes me think that you are maybe new to dog ownership, and that makes me question your choice of breed. The Akita is a strong dog, and can be strong willed too. Maybe not an ideal choice for first time dog owners. They are lovely dogs though when trained and handled correctly but you need to know what you are doing with them. I believe that the purpose behind a dogs breeding makes up for a large part of their temperament, but good training can overcome negative traits. These dogs were originally bred for hunting large animlas such as bears, and later for dog fighting.
  5. The other thing is I've got a decent sized garden, but I'm not sure how I'd let him have access to get back in the house.
  6. build a good sized run. with shelter. dogs tie you down big time.
  7. A dog left on his own is a bored one. An Akita will ruin your stuff, you'll be angry at his behaviour and it isn't fair to crate a dog for 11 hours a day.

    Maybe you shouldn't get a dog?
  8. I've had several Pointers, currently there are 2, a boy and a girl, they're big 'working' dogs. Mine have at least 2 hours often 3 a day of free running, they would do more, They need lots of socialisation with other dogs and mine never get left home alone for more than 3 hours, the boy would destroy the kitchen. It's a big commitment and I don't think it's compatible with full time working.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. our dog gets 4 walks a day, luckily er indoors walks them more than me as she is part time.
  10. This is only partially true. I`ve spoken to a couple of people with greyhounds, one`s an ex race dog, and they reckon their dogs do come in after a walk, find a quiet corner and crash out for the day but, that`s only after a good, long, walk, with lots of running.
    I think 11 hours is to long to be left alone, if the dog doesn`t "toilet" on the morning walk then what would you do? Guaranteed you would come home to a mess.
    Dogs are pack animals and most don`t like being left alone for long periods. Check out Dogs: their secret lives, was on channel 4.
    I`m lucky that my continental shift pattern means my mutley gets left alone 5 hours max and that`s only when I`m 6-2, the rest of the time it`s an hour or so here or there. She gets 3-4 walks a day ranging from a 15 minute walk round the block to a two hour trek through the park and the woods. When I come in after a 6-2 shift, all I want to do is crash on the settee with a coffee, Lola has been alone for 5 hours so my needs come second and it`s straight out for a long walk in the park.

    Dogs are a massive investment but the pleasure they bring is amazing.
  11. Oh yes, I see an old guy in the park walking his neighbours dog, she wanted a dog for the company in the evening but works full time, he likes to get out and about with the dog but doesn`t want the expense of dog ownership, food, inoculations, vet bills etc.
    A brilliant arrangement that benefits all three of them.
  12. Seriously, leave the dog for 11 hours a day? You don't want a dog mate, get a goldfish or similar. If you cannot devote time to a large breed dog you are asking for behaviour trouble. Exercising a dog is the number one priority especially with something like an Akita. I wouldn't leave my dog for anything more than 4 hours at a time, its simply unfair. I had a rottweiler for ten years and now have the Czec Wolfdog, luckily they work with me otherwise I simply would not have had one to be left at home all day. Seriously, please do not get a dog if you have to leave it alone all day.
    You will have to accept lifestyle changes. I cannot simply whoosh off on the bike all day etc and when booking the holidays he comes with us. If you really want a large breed, you need to think along the lines of him being a child to honestly be fair and have a well rounded canine.
    The fact you are asking questions first is a sign that you would be a responsible owner.
  13. I am unable to find a bigger house to rent as no one will take dogs, I can't buy a car smaller than an estate or 4x4, I can't go out for longer than a few hours with the family without taking the dog and holidays abroad are no go. Bloomin' dog. They rule your life.
  14. My dog has a passport tom!!
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  15. I don't like my dog as it is, I don't want him to come on holiday with me. It's a family dog, but I'm a cat person. I tolerate him.
  16. There are breeds that don't need much walking, but I don't know how many breeds there are who are genuinely happy (or indifferent) to having no company.

    I had a bulldog for 10 years who was a hoot. He'd probably get a bit of exercise most days (but quite often not much) and good walks at weekends, or maybe one day in the week as well. A good walk for a bulldog is only about an hour. But he hated being left. Even if you went shopping or to the cinema, he'd go into his basket and sulk. He liked playing football (he LOVED playing football) so that was a good way of wearing him out in 10 minutes.
    But he was always with someone, pretty much, and would come to work with me a couple of days a week (wife had him the other days) where he would snore loudly and fart.

    I now have a basset hound and she is worse. Barks pretty much the moment you leave her and/or craps on the floor. She is very lazy and requires little exercise (none, now that she is 12 and a half). Our garden is big, but she won't amuse herself in it.
    Dogs mainly like company. There is no way I would get a dog that had to be continually left alone for long periods. It will be miserable. As owner, you are the leader of the pack (even if the pack is just the two of you) and the dog wants the boss man around. To be honest, a reputable breeder won't even sell you a dog if they know it will be left on its own for most of the day.

    Quite apart from looking after the dog, it will add a lot of time to your household cleaning. They tend to make things dirty, often moult (which requires constant hoovering) and just generally take up a lot of time. I suppose a jack russell is going to be lower maintenance than a bulldog or basset hound, but a big dog normally means big work.
  17. Wrong about the jack russells. I had one and he needed constant supervision. I used to take him on 10 mile runs and he would laugh at me the whole way round, run up and down hills all day long while I was dying. They are hard to keep occupied.
  18. We have a 22 week old working cocker spaniel, general rule of thumb is that the bigger the dog the more excercise thy need but working dogs generally need more excercise. Sounds like u need a smaller 'lazy' breed that doesn't need as much. Also, if it's a pup u need to consider a under developed small bladder and build up the time spent alone, ours spends every morning alone up to 5 hours now and the little brighter just sleeps :) he is a great dog, love him to bits. There are so many negatives to owning dogs but I can't tell u what it means to see him light up when we come home, literally falling over in excitement because his tail is wagging so much!
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  19. Yup, 11 hours is too long. I've had staffies all my life as well as other breeds but the as recommendations go the staffie wins hands down. Cheerful, loyal, brilliant with kids and full of daftness and character. Can be buggers with other dogs mind you.
  20. *ahem* it's a chav's dog though. Even if they are lovely to own...
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