"How to build a Supercar"

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. on BBC2 8 pm Sunday 13th October. Ronnie and chums at Mclaren. should be a laugh.
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  2. sorry chaps it's a repeat and most (including me) have probably seen it before.
  3. nice car but out of date already
  4. Yep watched it on BBC2 or its also on youtube

    How to Build a Supercar "MP4-12C" - YouTube

    Makes you proud to be British imho.Loved all that stuff & shows lots of top quality British manufacturing such as the guys making the pistons etc.Wouldnt mind those guys at Ricardo rebuilding my Italian engine either as I bet they do a better job.

    Also I didn't realise the sheer effort that goes into testing with them running 24/7.Jeez that some commitment from the guys employed there.There other half must be very understanding.I couldn't work in that paint department though.You cant even fart in there without ruining something.Would drive me mad.

    Just goes to show we are still up there with the best in the world.
  5. it does make you proud to be British Matt, and there's no doubt that we are still involved in the cutting edge when it comes to the design of specialist performance cars. However Ron's plans for world domination just as Ferrari once did at the beginning seem to be coming apart at the seams. They have appointed thirty six dealers globally (around 2 years ago) which some would describe as ambitious, others just plain foolhardy. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/...g/9875254/McLaren-supercar-burns-up-cash.html
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  6. Really enjoyed it thanks for the heads up!
  7. They should build a bike. Hub centre steered 2 stoke light weight with quality fasteners and brackets that DON'T go goo goo after a year in Blighty and a 3 year warranty to start competing with our Seoul brothers :biggrin:
    I'd sell my other kidney for that. First kidney went on my Mutley.
  8. Perfection isnt always the most beautiful. Sometimes it is the flaw which adds the extra dimension. Creativity in the eye of the human can make this happen. Nature already does this, which is why DNA changes and evolution prospers. Cold perfection is callous, clinical and the wrong approach. Flick some mud in Ron's eye somebody although the old MacLaren F1 is damn close. Very pretty car. The new ones are nice but I'd rather have a Ferrari FF. It looks unusual, which is why its pretty.
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  9. Maybe it's just me, but I've always thought that Ron Dennis was a right smug twat... Then I watched "How to build a supercar" - and it did nothing to change my mind ! And as for that weird American designer with an office full of toys - if he took influences from so many different places how come he came up with a car the same shape as a Ferrari 355 ? The factory, clean as it was, reminded me of a "Not the nine o-clock news" sketch from years ago - "Hello Bob", "OK, Bob, have you seen Bob?", "Yes bob, he's over there with Bob..." British cars : handbuilt by Roberts... ( Anyone else remember that one ? )
  10. Ive never driven a 'supercar'. I only go on my gut feeling but Ferraris gimme a semi both visually and auditory (if thats a word). The MacLaren F1 gives me a diamond cutter. Havent seen the new one 'in the flesh' or heard one so I guess its moot for me. But I did hear a rather natty black FF giving it the beans on the chunnel car park and i nearly shot my load. Sounded like Satan in love.
  11. I find it difficult to disagree with any of that - and the name's shite as well - mp 12 4c - is that right? How utterly imaginative!

    Not The Nine O'Clock News - Hand built, by......... - YouTube
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  12. The explanation of the engine on the programme was crap too - a V8 is apparently "two four-stroke engines bolted together" : whilst that is technically true, I think they meant "two four-cylinder engines". And the fact that they said that the exhaust valve was pushed open by the piston rising on the exhaust stroke made me think that whoever was doing the voice-over hadn't got a clue what they were talking about. I haven't driven a Maclaren, but I have driven a Ferrari 348 around Goodwood and it was AWESOME ! To me the Maclaren is just trying a bit too hard... If I wanted a British supercar I'd buy a Noble.
  13. I used to work for the twat, and he is a twat, however it's arrogance in my opinion. He's arrogant, often downright rude, shifty, secretive and moody. All at once.

    But then, on Saturday, he's a completely different person! In the winter, or on weekends where there is no racing, he'll often wander round the factory, not shouting the odds, not getting in anyones' way, just wandering round having a nosey. He'll sit and talk for ages, about anything, he's calm, a good listener, good-humoured, and shows a genuine interest in you.

    And then Monday comes around and he stamps on your face for simply being in the same country as him. Funny old world.
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  14. just buy a corsa and stick some drain pipe out the back x4 as an exhaust
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