1299 How To Install A Kill-switch?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by eDUCATIon, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. Hi guys,

    Bought a kill-switch for on the track. Anybody a good idea where to hook it up (electrically) without taking the whole bike apart? I thought about the ignition switch but as it seems you have to take of the fuel tank etc etc to get there..
  2. Eh, where the original one connected?
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  3. Is this a dead mans switch that pulls a pin if you become separated from the bike? If it is, as above, try to splice into the wiring of the cut off switch already on the handle bars, although it would mean you always had to have the pin in when not on track.
  4. Maybe the best solution, do you by any change which wire to spice? (or is it a two threat only..?)
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