848 How to lock 848 clutch for removal....??

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by comesunt, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Hi all,

    848 is spread across garage floor... hoping to fit a slipper clutch this week but I don't have a tool to lock the clutch for removal.... currently standard wet clutch fitted...

    Any top tips??


  2. get an impact wrench on to the basket nut n batter the bejesus out of
  3. Thanks,

    Andy, I was hoping to do it in the next few days, so thanks for the link as they state delivery by wednesday... Bonus...

    Mark, Do you mean impact drive as in those nice devices you hit with a hammer??


  4. I personally wouldn't be going at it with an impact driver! :eek:
    I got mine off with a rattle gun, make sure you use a good threadlock when reassembling.
  5. £40 tool off eThief. Nice and easy... only 120 nm so not too much of a pain... Job done...


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