How to make a cheap racing exhaust - video help

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. ha ha ha love doing that to my workmates car tomorrow lol :upyeah:
  2. Im off to tescos for some tubes
  3. tried it today on a work mates car me and another work mate watched intently as he started the car to leave tonight ...........
    and flew straight off .....ffs.......
    so next week zip tie lol
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  4. fecking love it lol.
  5. well didn't go as planned boss spotted tube on mates exhaust and I automatically got the blame
    got called a wanker and allsorts from the boss even though he didn't know it was actually me
    talk about sense of humour bypass
  6. That made I laugh.
  7. Fantastic! Lol
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