749 How To Remove Immobilizer Antena

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by Tiago C., Dec 16, 2014.

  1. Hello everyone, i bought a carbon key ignition and want to make the change from the stock...

    Well, im finding dificult because the immobilizer antena i think is glued to the original, any way to safely remove and fit again on the carbon piece?
    Has anyone made this swap?

    Many thanks
  2. It can be removed by gently scraping through the glue. There's not much of it. I used a thin blade.

  3. So its very easy?

    I'll try this later then.
    I was thinking using hair dryer to try to remove, but i'll use this method.

    Thank you for your reply!
  4. Yes, shouldn't take more than five minutes.
  5. who mounted this at Ducati definitely super glued!!! :mad:

    Cant take it off :(
  6. I tried once and made a mess of it, they hugely vary ammount of glue wise bike to bike. Just buy the new aerial thing from Ducati as I did it's actually priced sensibly shock horror.

  7. Yeah, i gave up trying to remove... I'll order a new antena:upyeah:
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