How Very True!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, May 4, 2014.

    • Like Like x 6
  2. after what i witnessed in yon hotel last week. how very true.
  3. My sentiments exactly expressed better than I could ever do. I find it quite sad the way people are becoming, the amount that are obsessed with having to display their lives on social media is astounding and how everyone seems to have 500+ friends.
  4. I know.....and that's why I posted it. I only use the internet at home or at odd points during the day. I don't have my smart phone stuck to my hands like some people I know ;)
  5. I'm getting a bit worried about your addiction old chap.

    Found your selfie.

    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. Watching it on youtube - via a forum. Hmm...

    Actually I've watched my niece and nephew go from bright young outdoorsy kids to pasty miserable teenagers who never leave the house, all because of ipads. Doesn't mean a lot, I don't think, but I do wonder if it will damage our social skills. Lets face it, the written English language has already flatlined:(
  7. What a bunch of wank...
  8. Geek ;)
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  9. I must be in the minority. Ive been working in IT for it stands to reason the house is full of computers, tablets consoles etc etc....which it is, ill happily admit it but I must say my kids aren't like that at all. They use tablets quite a lot but also play out in the garden when the sun is out and also Lego is probably more used than the tablets. They (all 3 of them) are doing well in school, all in top sets or near top sets for all subjects, they've all got friends which regularly come for sleepovers. My oldest daughter had a commendation from the headmistress on her last school report. Parents evening last week for her was a breeze. The fallout of high tablet usage means that they don't go up to ToyRus and spend money on crap toys that end up getting broken/thrown out. Ive never restricted their usage but they know when they've had enough and do something else. The only restriction ive placed on them ever which still stands is no facebook accounts. My daughter has seen spats kick off at school and even she's been glad she didn't have an account as she then doesn't get involved.

    I had a facebook account about 3 or 4 years ago for about 2 weeks as my mate moved to Australia and said he was doing everything on that. At the end of the second week it was full of assholes from school "wanting to be my friend" to which I thought "well I didn't like you then and I like you even less now..." so I closed it.

    Ive got a twitter account which I set up a few years back to track what Dell were doing with a certain bit of hardware and never used until a month ago as I was curious to see what the gp racers were saying...that's about it for me on the social front....

    I think this forum is the only forum Ive regularly posted on, ever. Must say something for the company I guess!
    • Like Like x 1
  10. You're welcome :)
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