hows this for service!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by kev cornwall, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. planned on doing the clutch on my 996 today, but all bits come except stainless springs, so routing through the garage notice my motocross wulfsport helmet visors cracked ( bloody kids erg! ) anyway got on ebay and they are £25, but noticed one shop selling same whole helmet reduced to £37 with postage cause its old stock, so thought id rather whole new helmet than pay that much for a new visor so hit buy it now, anyway got a email back saying they couldnt find the wulfsport in blue and apologies, would i except the new 2013 wulfsport helmet in blue at no extra cost : ) or a refund , new model helmet is £60 on there site , hows that for service, needless to say i said yes please, hopefully get the 450 back this week all moted and serviced, sweet
    #1 kev cornwall, Jan 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2013
  2. That does sound very good service :upyeah:
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  3. That sort of thing happens so rarely, that it is a complete shock when it does, i think we are just used to being dumped on that we expect it!

    Well done you and well done to the supplier :upyeah:

    That has to be worth "positive feedback!":biggrin:
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  4. So good, in fact, it is worth naming the business !!!?? :wink:
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