Hey guys Multi 1200 DVT 2015. How do these lickle black panels on top of the fairings come off to get to the headlight bulbs ? It feels to be fixed just on one side, but there is no obvious way to take them off. Anyone know pls ?
Gently lift that little panel & look underneath. You’ll see a screw on each side that locates the panel. Undo them. The whole nose cone can be lifted off, if desired. Remember to undo the remote key sensor plug which is on the throttle side. The nose cone has a locator rubber in the middle at the front. Hope that helps.
Directly under the black piece. You’ll probably need a small torch. It’ll be near two other screws which are part of the headlight framework.
Download the free DVT parts manual and take a look at page 127 and you will see the screw (4) in question. it's a little fiddly but do-able. I removed my nose cone last weekend to see if I could stiffen up my sat nav mount.
https://issuu.com/ducatiomaha/docs/ducatiomaha_2015_mts1200s?e=1222863/14468486 page 134 then magnify to see what is were