I need a hugger for 916, not a massive fan but rear shock very dirty after short run in dry. Quite like the look of this style, any ideas? Really don't want to be drilling swing arm etc.. Ta in advance Kev
I had one of those on mine. It’s an integrated hugger and chain guard. Requires drilling and tapping of swing arm on forward right hand end (just behind where the pipes go vertical in the picture). Not got one now but good luck with your search.
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/30291061...WK1XnSHSLy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Wondering if longer hugger might save my lovely carbon race cans as well?
I ordered mine last year from Ilmberger, very high quality (based on other carbon fiber parts I ordered from them). However due to Covid production delay, I have not received it yet. Hopefully get it next month: https://ilmberger-carbon.de/Carbon_...Ducati-748--955--996-Racing--996--998-RS.aspx
I've read Ilmberger is one of the best carbon manufacturers out there. I'll have to check the budget once melted wiring, new clutch, suspension link bearings are sorted for MOT. Do you need to drill & tap swingarm with those?
Ilmberger product (that I purchased for my other bike) are drop-in fit and from the pictures on this unit, looks like it should be a direct fit to the stock (not the longer magnesium) swing arm. I ordered mine in special satin finish, but now due to their backlogged, they no longer accept custom order, so I believe they only will sell in glossy finish now.
Not 100% sure but I would expect most huggers require the drilling and tapping of the swing arm. The issue is the front right hand side of the hugger - it needs to be supported otherwise it will “fall” to the right and rub on the tyre. See below - the fixing hole circled is the culprit. Drilling and tapping the swing arm takes about 15 mins once the wheel is off. Not a big issue IMHO.
My hugger was from QB Carbon, fitted it many years ago. No drilling required but it did bolt into a pre-existing hole in the rear of the 'hump' where the shock mount/ride height rod bolt goes through and, IIRC I did need to tap for the fixing bolt? That said the hugger does have a tendency to sag to the right if left unsupported and then ends up close to the tyre edge so I normally stick a piece of plastic between it and the tyre for long-term storage but, it's been fine for over 20 years.