Humans Are Awesome

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. Absolutely breathtaking

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  2. mental !!!!!!!!!!
  3. yip they can be.
  4. All of it...........Piece of piss.
  5. Still not as cool as cats

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  6. Amazing. I still think though that our greatest achievement has been working out how to break free of this planet's gravity and send humans in to space. For me it's the culmination of mankind's ingenuity and ability to manufacture complex structures. We've even made an object that has now left our own solar system. It doesn't matter if we destroy this planet in our quest to further our knowledge. There's plenty more out there. And as for other species, well they should have evolved thumbs as well then. Their loss. We rock.
  7. The a ability for a human to say 'why not?' To the most incredible dream is only equalled by the ability for. Ahuman to say 'why' to the most simple thing

    You'd think we were different species
  8. Absolutely agree.

    I mean, how do you know you're doing well as a species if you cannot get a thumbs-up?
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  9. tbh the majority of that footage never showed any "endings" so they might equally have been entries into the darwin awards..
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