I am in need of mobile mechanic a good one!!

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Newthy, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. i have a 749 and i havent really had time to look into it + i am probably not the most experienced and taking things apart, well i can but putting it back together is always harder ;) i think its only a fuse or two that has gone but getting to it seems to be a pain in the ass. i dont wana pay all out to get a van and take it to a ducati garage where it is going to cost a arm and a leg for something so simple. if you know of any decent ones i am based in wiltshire
    hope a few people come back to me

    cheers peeps
  2. Can you get it to Rich at Louigi Moto, he's about 45 mins from Swindon?
  3. What are the symptoms if you think a fuse has gone?
  4. The problemb is the fuel pump relay under all the haAt shield I think I have a 2 spare but don't really want to break anything plus the last doughnut that changed the. Battery done the bolts so fucking tight I can undo any so it would be easier if a mechanic could look I did post the problem in my last post but still haven't got round to doing it it's happy enough in the garage under a cover in this weather anyway but would love it fixed ASAP lol
  5. Its a real easy fix. Half hour job on a bad day. The hardest bit is getting the battery out. If you do give it a go make sure you use a suitable size screwdriver for the heatshield screws as they arevsoft and damage easily. Give it a go yourself, its easy peasy.
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