Today I parked the car next to our local post office around 3:45. Once parked I saw a cat cross the road in front of my car and being a cat person I wanted to say hello. I got my parcel and as I locked the car I heard the cat mewing, so I called out in a coo~ey type way "who's a pretty little thing then", much to my horror a small girl 10-12 years old in school uniform stood up from my nearside wheel. The look on her face said it which I replied "no, not you, the cat"...she then went red and started to cry....I just said "sorry" I was going to explain, but I thought all this is going to do is make it worse. It's a sad world when people automatically think the worst !
I have already been told i need a t-shirt that says "mama-san says I'm a bad man". And for those of you that know...if mama-san says your a bad are a very very bad person. lady in a certain sort of establishment in the Far East.
I try to make sure they are at least 6 years older...your honour. A very quick edit there when I realised my maths could get me locked up.
The world we live in today is a weird world indeed, the only real freedom is on the bike with your own thoughts!
Not now...SWMBO wants an intercom, so we can talk as we ride :Banghead::Banghead::Banghead::Banghead::Banghead::Banghead::Banghead::Banghead::Banghead: :Grumpy::Grumpy::Grumpy::Grumpy:Grrrrrr:Wtf:
Now, when you say cat, you mean bag of jelly babies.When you say, whos a pretty thing ,you mean Do you want a sweety little girl?