I got very lost

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by freshage, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. And didn't regret it one bit. I decided to go on an adventure. 2 tanks later and avoiding main A roads and sticking to B roads mainly. I had a great time!

    Sadly, I spend all Saturday cleaning the bike, every nook and cranny, coating the entire bike in ACF50 and left to settle overnight, wiped it all down this morning and gave it a few little check overs this morning. It was looking absolutely mint and ready for the months of salt to come.

    But, I got very lost and went down a lot of dirty country lanes after heavy rainfall. And I still bloody loved it!


    I can not express how glad I am that I chose the Multistrada 1200S instead of another superbike like the 1199 which was the alternative.

    I was warm and comfy in my textile gear, cruised in touring mode for the most of it. With a splash of sport for the fun blasts.

    I love this bike.

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  2. Yes - you're very lost...:wink:

  3. If you went on mud with those tyres fair play to your riding skills...wasnt allowed out on mine today otherwise I'd have probably done simialr. Used to do that a lot (not mud, just choose back roads and head off somewhere) on my GS and this bike is just the same
  4. Good stuff. I'm trying to choose my next bike after a few Monsters. Never done the sports/superbike thing, so thinking that it's now or never.

    A Multi isn't on my list, but it's a timely reminder that the fun factor important over outright performance.
  5. Really glad to hear you're enjoying the Multistrada.

    When I first started riding, on my little 125, I did that a lot - just head out with no particular idea of where I was going, taking various random side roads (I wonder what will happen if I turn left here). Had a few pleasant little bimbles round the Chilterns that way.

    Roads are absolutely filthy today - just came back from the UKMOC Christmas lunch near Andover. Could hardly see through my visor by the time I got home.
  6. That's just it. Didn't hit any dirt roads haha. The roads were just filthy! Loved it. Also, love that I can just wipe any surface on the bike and the mud just wipes off because of the protective film that ACF50 has left behind. Brilliant stuff.
  7. A Multi was on my list a couple of years ago Snips - but I'm too bloody short! unlike Chris, who I am immensely jealous of!:mad: I don't think you'd be left wanting for outright performance on those bloody lanky beasts, by everything I've heard?!?!... Have you wellied it yet Chris? what's it like?
  8. Mate you should see me get on and off..but its only a brief second in time between rides :upyeah:
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  9. they're brilliant!
  10. I'm short too, and a multi isn't the sort of bike I'm after, but good to see they're enjoyed that do go that route.
  11. I've not truly given it the beans yet. As it's been greasy or wet. But even in urban mode with 100hp, it shifts.

    It surprises me from time to time. I love it.

    Also, if it's any consolation. I've started to fill out width wise now I'm past my mid twenties lol.
  12. Looks like you had fun.
  13. Christ almighty, you'll be a proper fat knacker by the time you get to my age then :wink:
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  14. ^^^ Like me :wink:
  15. Hahaha! there IS a God!....:upyeah:
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