1200 DVT I Have Noise To Burn.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by BigAlan, Jun 20, 2019.

  1. So there was I a few weeks ago ordering one of those Chinese decat pipes for my DVT, just to see you understand.

    It arrived and today I had time to play, in reality it fixes on very well and I had to make one small bracket to join one original, less than five minutes, coupled with my original end can which also fits spot on I started it up.

    Her indoors and the dog thought the world had ended, blimey Moses as we say when the grandchildren are here it’s loud, even to loud for me and that’s saying something.

    I need another slip on can, I need something which has a half decent baffle in it otherwise my life won’t be worth living, Leo Vince do a nice looking carbon can as well as the termig but has anyone simply stuck a decat on and added a slip on can afterwards?

    The bike stays where it is for the minute, damm that was loud.
  2. After a couple of weeks the tinnitus will drown it out :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. It’s not getting the chance to give me tinnitus, simply to loud.
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  4. I don’t have a DVT but experienced the same issue when I removed the cat on my 1st gen Multistrada 1200. I now have a full Leo Vince system with baffle fitted and it just passed the noise test at Castle Combe at 104db. Andy
  5. Have you literally fitted the Multistrada outlet onto the end of the decat? The outlet doesn't have any silencing qualities, so you're effectively running an open pipe. So that'll be why it's quite loud then! :grinning:

    My recommendation - which is what I did on my last bike (Monster 1200) was to measure the diameter of the pipe and find a silencer to suit. You'll likely find a generic not-necessarily-for-a-Multistrada solution, or even something Chinese. I found a really reasonable carbon can from China that cost £30 and the quality was really excellent. You'll need something at least 30-40cm long, in order to get any kind of reasonable silencing effect.
  6. I did, primarily just to see how loud it would be, it’s LOUD ok, wife is still moaning and I was in the garage farthest away.

    Your right, I need something, but what?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Tell a lie, I paid £65 for a silencer - it was still worth it:


    Measure the diameter of your decat pipe, where the stock outlet fits on. Then do a search for silencers to suit that diameter. That's how I ended up buying the above.

    Incidentally, it was also pretty noisy, albeit just about passable, given that I live in a quiet road. I felt like it was slightly obnoxious, so ended up putting the stock can back on, but it's certainly not the most offensive thing I've heard.
  8. I had the same issue on my 2012 Multi, I had a new decat made, see Leo Vince thread......
  9. Yep, did this recently with an Arrow decat pipe for my 1200 Enduro.
    As noted on another thread, the Termi cat bypass pipe has resonators in it, the arrow one certainly doesn't.

    I rode around for a couple of weeks with it on, but put the cat back on for a trip to Germany.
    If I think its too loud the wife on the back will too.

    Arrow do a slip in baffle that I think is usually held in with a circlip.
    If I can get a hold of one I will give it a go.

    Short of that I might buy a Delkevic silencer, probably the longest one they do !
    I don't like the look of it, but the performance at lower revs in terms of pickup etc is miles better with the decat on. Transforms the bike imo.
  10. Keep us posted on that John - I too have an Enduro, and the hole in the midrange is really annoying for normal road riding.
  11. Will do. First I am going to try fitting a Duc-EE with the cat still on, so it disables the exhaust valve. It may well be this helps to get rid of the annoying woolly low-mid revs pick up.
  12. I removed the disc from the exhaust valve - didn't make much difference if I'm honest. Slight improvement to throttle response, but not the big transformation I was hoping for.

    Turning down the traction control helps - you can apply greater amounts of throttle on the way out of a corner without the bike toning it down.

    I fitted a de-cat on my 2013 Multi, and the difference was pretty amazing. Way better throttle response, and the mid-range felt transformed, and really thick with torque!
    • Like Like x 2
  13. Thanks, good to know about the valve and TC.
    Thats how the enduro feels with the decat on :cool:
  14. Stop tempting me to buy one, my credit cards are groaning!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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