Hi guys, I am struggling to get an affordable barrel for my recently purchased top box. I am not the first owner and do not have the bag of bits that came with the bike. Ducati are looking for £75+vat for 3 barrels and 2 keys but that's a lot of money. Does anyone know the equivalent givi part number and i can just buy spurious rather than branded barrels. Many thanks in advance for your help..
On a 1200 the locks are Ducati-specific - although made by Givi the locking mechanism is longer than the standard Givi setup. I believe the 1000 luggage was made by Nonfango, so you might have more luck?
Hi, just having this problem, collected ex-demo bike a couple weeks ago and the dealer couldn't find the tool kit for the bike which would have had the spare lock for my top box! So he tells me today that he has had a lock coded from my spare key and is on its way to me! Your problem is if you buy the lock kit you will need to either have those locks coded to your key or you will have to carry 2 keys! Not exactly a keyless bike then. Let you know if the key re-coding works when I get it!
Surely Givi must utilise the same barrel in one of their systems, I honest can't see Ducati going through all the hassle of having a specific one manufactured just on the off chance of random orders. Just contact Givi, or a Givi distributor. Are there any codes or numbers on them?
Unfortunately not Damo, Givi only have 2 lock types, one for the very new stuff (V35/46 and the latest huge E-cases), and one that has been used since the year dot. Both are keyed shorter and wider than the Ducati key, 4 tumbler vs 5. It's not a case of "random orders" - 3 were supplied with every bike, matched to the seat lock. That's tens, if not hundreds of thousands of locks...suddenly becomes worth spec'ing to match your existing keyset.
My local dealer cannot identify the lock on the givi system. Give rep said it may be a ducati part? Hope with your help and that of dealer i may find a cheaper option?? Is it possible to reorder key locks from Ducati or would that be just silly money??
So are we talking 3 lots of the barrels and then two keys for each barrel being the £75+ vat (£90) With that you can replaces all of the locks on the luggage (panniers and top box) If that's the case then it's not so bad IMO , it's only £30 per lock so whilst you might only need one I bet you could sell two barrels and 1 key for £60 inc of vat Or am I getting this completely wrong?
Damo, the problem with that is he would need to carry 2 keys, if he's happy with that then fine. As I said there may be away of coding the barrels so he can use his original key. I will update on this when I get mine through the post.
Well yes I guess, still it's not that bad is it. Having a key for just your luggage almost makes sense to me, for instance if I sold my luggage on I'd have to provide a separate key to the new owner so from that point on that luggage would always have its own key anyway.
When you put it like that Damodici it doesn't sound as bad. I simply just wanted to buy 1 barrell in a general Givi retailer not order a set from my Ducati dealer that will have to be put on special order, wait an additional 10 days for it to be delivered as it is not a stock item. I go away this Friday and live in Dublin, nearest dealer after my local one in a 3 hr drive away (each way)
That's Ducati for you. I made a call yesterday about a tank pad, 7-10 days delivery, £35+£4 p&p For a goddam tank pad? I don't think so
Just for your info, lock arrived today and it's been coded to my key! Happy days! So at least we know it can be done if required.
Just got word back from another dealer of a replacement fob key & 4 barrel option. 3 barrels for luggage and one for the seat. That's a new fob programmed to the bike with new key system for all barrels. Old fob will work but key in fob would be useless. €220 euro inc vat. V's €110 for 3 barrels and two keys???
STOP - There's another way - and it's free! Before you shell out stupid money on complete lock sets, ask yourself just how secure a top box really needs to be? The long lock barrels from Ducati have 7 wafers that hold the lock shut until you put the right key into them. A typical Givi lock only has 4 or 5, and I don't often hear anyone worrying that their Givi boxes are too easy to pick. It is possible, with a bit of faffing about, to make your original key open a replacement barrel. I have a spare barrel in my garage, because some heavy handed mechanic managed to force my seat lock to turn the wrong way (it damaged the plastic outer barrel, not the lock mechanism itself). As only the outer was damaged I took the new lock mechanism out of the replacement barrel and put my old one in there instead. As a result I have a spare lock and the 2 keys that came with it. I just went out in the garage and checked for you, and my original key would get all bar 3 of the wafers in the new lock into the fully open position. Those which remain "locked" are only partially showing, so 5 minutes filing a little bit off each one would have it fully in the unlocked position with my original key. I would be perfectly happy to do this if I had to and wouldn't be worried at all that my top box wasn't locked enough - no way would you be able to get it unlocked without my key or applying a great deal of brute force. My advice is to strip out the lock from your topbox, and try your key in it before you do anything else. You'll probably be surprised at how close to a fit it is. You'll have to file down a couple of the wafers that stand a bit proud with your key in the lock, and this effectively means your lock is arguably less secure, but on a top box does it really matter, as long as it locks? If the top box lock is the same as the seat one, there will be 7 locking wafers, then an empty slot, and one last wafer (furthest from the key hole) which stops the whole lot from falling out of the outer barrel. Do not file this one, as it always stays out in the locked position and has nothing to do with the key fit. You will know which one I'm on about as you have to lever it out of the way with a small screwdriver to get the lock mechanism to come out of the outer body in the first place.
Hey Steve, I dont have a lock in my topbox? I need to get one, that is my question?? I need to purchase a barrell and the only one that appears to fit my Ducati topbox is a Ducati part. Givi do not have a barrell available to fit my box, givi barrels are too short, I need longer ducati specific barrell???? Sorry i am a little confused with your very detailed answer ????
I didn't realise you had no lock at all, I assumed the issue was that you didn't have one that matched your existing key. So yes, you will need to get your hands on a lock, and only the Ducati version will do (none of the Givi ones are long enough for the Ducati boxes). Once you have this you can follow the method I outlined above to make your current key open the new lock, thus only having one key, but without the cost of a complete new lock set - you only need one new lock and you make it accept the key you already have for all the other locks on the bike. If you only needed the metal lock barrel then I could flog you my spare, but I expect you need the plastic outer too which I don't have. I couldn't check to be 100% sure, because the parts listing I have only has panniers in the diagrams and no top box. I have the metal lock mechanism (directly under the key in figure 6 in the attached diagram), but not the plastic sleeve that it sits inside (shown underneath the metal lock mechanism in figure 6). The safest option would be to order a topbox lock complete. If you speak to your local dealer I think you will find you can get one lock with keys for about £25 to £30. Obviously there's no guarantee that you won't get that one in a million combination where you don't have enough of the wafers matching your current key to make my suggestion viable, but you would have to be very unlucky indeed for that to happen. For the sake of buying one lock instead of 4 (and wouldn't you still have an issue with your fuel cap BTW) I would just get one and see how it looks with your current key in it. Worse case scenario where you don't feel that filing down some of the wafers is going to work then you might have to accept that your topbox key isn't the same as the one for all the other locks... EDIT: Looking earlier in the thread RotaxRacer says he ordered 1 lock and had it matched to his existing key - so that's got to be the answer surely? I don't know if his dealer was able to get one quoting the key reference (mine didn't offer that to me when I ordered the one for my seat lock) or maybe they just did something similar to my suggestion before they sent it to him?
Hi Steve I was in the same situation....you will have to get the Ducati lock....sorry bud but they are different from Givi (Givi barrels are shorter.... suggest you club toghter with some other members and buy 3 and share the cost, or flog 2 on flea bay. I Posted a how to set the barrels to your key on this forum and on Andy's Motorcycle Info Pages - Home blog, but am struggling to find it.... Its time consuming, and fiddly, but not impossible....bearing in mind I had no instructions to follow....It is most frustrating that Ducati are so "reluctant" to help owners with this....I 'spose they would rather sell you a new top box!!!!
hi Steve this was my post back then....but I think Andy had to refresh his site...you may be able to contact him.... Pannier locks | Ducati Forum
Can't you order just one lock? I did this via my dealer (although it was for the seat release which may be a different outer to the luggage). @AndyW - any chance you could recover MultiRider's instructions from your site and post them here for Nugmeister to follow? (Sounds like it might be a better solution than my filing bodge)