I went for a ride today!...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. And met a very nice gent with a 1098R Bayliss!... Was great to see one actually ridden!
  2. I went for a ride today on my 350 LC and it started 3rd kick :upyeah: after 4 month's of the road over winter.
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  3. I went for a ride yesterday. Returned home 210 miles later. Ache a bit now :biggrin:
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  4. I went for a ride to nellys (cornerspeed) , quite good to be out actually although still a little fresh
  5. I went for a ride today, first of the year.....fecking class lol. all is good in the world.
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  6. I'm still feeling the effects of man flu and feel shit. I'm hoping to get out next weekend.
  7. So, Troy Bayliss can ride with a ruptured bollock and half a finger but you need a week off because of a snotty nose ?.....flossy ;)
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  8. I didn't go for a ride today. 7° and the roads were damp. Just not good enough.

    I did play with my band and go to the gym, quite a good consolation prize.
  9. hmm...! 'Play with my band'.... Is that a euphemism?...
  10. Its geeetar. I took my Strat to Guitarguitar in Epsom for a service on Sunday as it was a shitty day. Saturday was good. Popped out for a couple of hours to get my eye in. Not ridden since November and the 11 has had some minor mods. I really like the DP seat. I had a sargent and that was uncomfy. The DP looks and feels quite hard but its surprisingly good. I like the way it makes you sit. The DQS worked well too and my slipper clutch, although a wee bit grabby and whiney (brand new friction and plain plates) worked fine too. Had to return earlier than I wanted as my gear selector lever was too high. (new rearsets too).

    Sorry to anyone who was getting on the M25 at J10 going counter clockwise. I was testing the QS.....:biggrin:
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