Pair of them need leaving locked up and starved to death, few kickings a day thrown if for good measure, pure evil, poor kid must have suffered terribly
I cannot abide child cruelty and deprivation. I daren't say what I really feel about scum like these two
Send them back to serve life in Poland, I bet the prisons their aren't so cushy. A pair of sick evil twisted shit heads
This made me really upset when I read it during the court hearing, especially hearing how the siblings would sneak him food and cuddle him. Nobody should ever have to go through that kind of treatment - you wouldn't do it to a dog, let alone a child of four. Reading this just makes me weep. BBC News - Daniel Pelka: Sibling hid food for starved boy I hope the fcukers are kept in prison for the rest of their lives, and that they will experience the fear that the poor child suffered every single day. It will be worth every single penny.
wat antonye said and the rest of you too. not been able to buy a news paper since having my own kids full of these kind of reports allmost daily. very upseting
Too awfull to contemplate,and the 4y yr old such a lovely looking kid,it's just sick,you can only hope that they will both be tortured by other inmates and live in fear for every minute of every day for the rest of their useless effing lives,maybe worst of all is that it is probably happening right now somewhere else to some other poor helpless children,death penalty too good for them,just put them in stocks in marble arch or something and they would not survive long.bstards.
A tragic and disturbing story. It would seem that the Social Services were aware of the existance of a problem yet again failed to prevent this poor child's death. I am not sure what this tells us, but something is seriously wrong somewhere.
Enough has been said about the parents but I hope those employed to prevent this kind of thing happening are removed from their jobs and never again put in a position where the lives of children are in their hands. That includes some of the teachers at his school, not just social workers because any half intelligent adult should have seen at least something that made them think things were wrong.
having read more of this today, and how the authorities seemed unable to act for whatever reason, it makes me want to be a social worker. So that I can knock their fucking doors in and force feed them salt. C*nts.
i see as is often in these cases the genuine father is coming out looking for someone to blame too.............well, where were YOU?, why didnt YOU intervene? or take YOUR responsibility instead of pestering society with it?
it stinks and makes me so angry.. you forget to send them to school with sandshoes for PE or put a chocolate bar in their packlunch contravening the "healthy food policy" and you have teachers on the fucking phone wanting to know why. a clearly neglected child and they are blind and powerless. I feel they had the best chance to discover this and protect with SS rip little fella, may angels look after you and shower you with love
When I first saw this in the paper I couldn't finish reading it it mad me soo mad. With children around the same age I can not even start to think what that poor child went through. They really do not deserve prison as they will be given three meals a day, bed and shower, what right minded person would do that to a child??? I really hope and pray that the other evil people in jail give them th e treatment they deserve for a long long time.
They will be Not On Normal Cell Exercise. Protected by the system, and unfortunately another innocent life is taken . There will be a serious case review, recommendations made and working practices changed. With the increase in multi agency working I cannot believe this wasn't flagged earlier. Heads will role but sadly it won't bring Daniel back. So very very sad.