Ian Falloons Belt drive bible is being re-issued!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by nuttynick, Sep 16, 2012.

  1. For those that don't fancy spending silly money on an original, it's due for release on 28th October, in updated form! ISBN 9781937747114, Waterstones are offering a pre-order service :upyeah:
  2. Ordered mine back in July from Amazon? :upyeah:
  3. Could someone elaborate a bit more on this book please?
  4. Can't find it on Amazon or anywhere else. Have you dreamt this?
  5. Nor could I until I searched on the ISBN 9781937747114. :wink:
  6. Same!
  7. Dont try searching under "Falloon belt drive bible" or you wont find fk all, lol!

    Try "Ian Falloon "Ducati Belt-Drive Two Valve Twins: Restoration Guide"

    A VERY detailed guide to the belt drive two valve twins, The original goes for silly money on Amazon etc??! I borrowed Steve B's for a while & (eventually) gave it back... :upyeah:
  8. Errrm, maybe I should've used the full title, but you all knew what I meant anyway!
  9. [h=2]"Your Amazon.co.uk order of "Ducati Belt-Drive..." has been dispatched"

    Yass!! :upyeah:‏[/h]
  10. anybody wanting to part with silly money for the original first edition please contact me, I quite happy to buy the reprint and pocket the difference
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  11. Would this been good for bikes post 2007 or is it just the classics?
  12. I think a lot of it would be relevant, but there is probably no mention of fuel injection and ECU's.
    Mine should arrive soon, i'll let you know what revisions are in it
  13. good for any 2 valve motor
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