Ice Bucket Challenge....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Il Presidente, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. MotoGP riders taking the challenge......

  2. I`m all for raising money for good causes but this is getting on my nerves. What next, sponsored getting up in the morning ?
    Phuques sake, it is just a bucket of cold water ! Not too much dedicated training or self sacrifice required for that is there.
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  3. I nominate dukesox.
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  4. I read this initially as "I dominate nukesox." Brilliant idea! :upyeah:
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  5. It would be much better if it was the Ice Cube Challenge, where all the silly f****rs stick one up their arse......

    .....trouble is, I suspect a lot of them are probably used to it.
  6. [​IMG]
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  7. [​IMG]
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  8. be slightly more interesting if there were piranhas, in the buckets... or a random one was full of boiling tar, an feathers - that would liven things up .
    • Funny Funny x 1

  9. That is the point though in a way, anyone can do it.
  10. if you want humble then look at joost van der westhuizen former springbok world class scrum half taking part in this.....

    having watched the mother in law degenerate and die with this (note not from it), i cant even begin to comprehend what it must be like to be Joost.....watching a video of themselves from only 1995.....barely 20 years ago

    here he is making several tackles on the gigantic Jona Lomu.....

    #10 andyb, Aug 23, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
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  11. Simple idea and it worked. I for one never knew about ALS until this all started.
  12. It's not really a "challenge" is it ? There's not much that's challenging about tripping a bucket over yourself...
    And that's all most people know about it - who actually looks at why anyone is doing it ?
  13. Being totally cynical (not like me, I know) the basic rules appear to be as follows - video yourself tipping a bucket over your head and then don't make a donation to charity, but do put the video on the internet to prove what a dick / "right on" armchair activist / fading has-been / useless wannabe you are...

    A number of criticisms have arisen relating to the campaign, accusing it of being self-congratulatory, focusing primarily on fun rather than donating money to charity, and as an example of substituting a trivial activity for more genuine involvement in charitable activities. Writing in The Daily Telegraph, William Foxton described the challenge as "a middle-class wet-T-shirt contest for armchair clicktivists".
    William MacAskill, Vice-President of Giving What We Can, suggested that the challenge encouraged moral licensing, meaning that some people might use taking part in the challenge as a substitute for other charitable acts. He also proposed that by attracting donations for ALS, the challenge was "cannibalizing" potential donations that otherwise would have gone to other charities instead.
    American stunt performer and TV personality Steve-O questioned the campaign, suggesting that celebrities' videos generally forgot to share donation information for ALS charities, and that the initial $15 million dollars in funds was insignificant, given the star power of the celebrities participating. He noted that, of the videos he viewed, only Charlie Sheen and Bill Gates noted that the point is to donate money.
    Pamela Anderson refused to take part in the challenge because of the use of animal experimentation in ALS research. Members of the pro-life movement criticised the campaign because of the connection between embryonic stem cell research and ALS research.
    On August 22, 2014, Brian O'Neill, a physician at the Detroit Medical Center, warned that the challenge may have adverse health effects on participants, including potentially inducing a vagal response which might, for example, lead to unconsciousness in people taking blood pressure medications. A number of participants have sustained injuries.
    Criticism also targeted the waste of water.
    Corey Griffin
    On August 16, 2014, Corey Griffin, co-founder of the Ice Bucket Challenge, drowned in a diving accident after a successful fundraiser on the island of Nantucket, Massachusetts. Griffin began actively raising money to fight ALS, after his friend Pete Frates was diagnosed. He is considered one of the pioneers of the campaign.
  14. they could do synchronised poo eating or go pro camera tossing for all i care.............however anything that raises the profile of a bitch of an illness is good in my book...
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  15. 100% agree can anyone criticise what is a bit of harmless fun that's going to make millions for that charity ?
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  16. Simple - because for most people there is no clear link between the charity and the publicity stunt. And it would appear, certainly in America at least, that the people doing it are far more interested in the publicity than the charity. How is a bunch of dicks tipping a bucket over their head "going to make millions for charity" ? Is there any evidence to show that is actually happening ? I very much doubt it...
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  17. The reason this has gone viral is because celebs HAVE got involved.....and all normal folk who take up the challenge pledge £10 to said charity.......... :)
    #19 clueless, Aug 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2014
  18. Really ? I've seen three people do it down here because someone else nominated them, and none of them have any idea about the charity... The reason it has "gone viral" is the same as anything else that does - it's just caught the imagination at the right time. And the reason that most "celebs" get involved is purely self-promotion.
    Provide evidence that it has done anything to raise the ammount of money donated to charity overall, and I will withdraw everything that I have said... The second paragraph of the critisism section of post #15 is an illustration of what usually happens in these cases.
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