I have the dog-tag ones which I tend to keep in my jacket pocket rather than have them jangle around whilst I'm riding. They seem like a great idea and hold all the useful information you'd need in an emergency in a very handy USB gizmo. Hopefully I'll never have any need for them!
I also have the dog ta style one, they are good kit and as Duff says they hold vital info ... No point putting in jacket as they may have to cut that off and never find the tag...round the neck mate
Like the one that welsh999 talks about, but never seen one like that, any more details on it welsh999?
This is the one I have, I prefer this to the dog tags type very comfortable to wear also. WRIST ICE. A medical id bracelet / wristband for cyclists, runner, joggers or other athletes that do cycling, bicycling, running, walking and more.
I have the Dogtag style used for 3 years. But I bought a new Titanium chain as the supplied Ifelt was a little weak. Gives me peace of mind if robbed and has all relevant information for emergencyservices. Pray it’s never needed! There is a secure area locked by password so all important docs can be scannedand copy held secure.
I have a set of dog-tags left over from racing that I normally wear if I'm on a trackday or out riding. They have my name and dob on them. Only cost a couple of quid from here: Dog Tags UK- Army Tags - Military Tags - Embossed Dog Tags You can order them online and specify up to 5 lines of text, so you may be able to do similar to an ICE bracelet but cheaper.
I have ICE stored on my mobile but dont use the tags. It seems like the same kind of dilemma you see with club proddy racers putting their blood group on their leathers. The medical profession will not take any notice of it as you might have borrowed them. Are these recognised by the emergency services ?
The USB ones seem like a bit of a gimmick to me. Not much use if there isn't a PC to hand I just use my old DD racing dog-tag like antonye
A good idea in principle, but in my experience few hospitals take much notice of anything printed on tags/wriststraps or carried in wallets. The problem is that they can't take the risk of someone carrying incorrect information. If a patient needs blood then a sample will always be taken from said patient to ascertain the correct ABO & Rhesus blood group, in addition to checking for any atypical antibodies. In cases of severe trauma most hospitals have bags of O Rh Negative blood available (some also use O Rh Positive for male patients & females of non-child bearing age). These can be used to treat the patient if there really isn't time to wait the few minutes it would take the blood transfusion laboratory to establish the ABO & Rh type before issuing group compatible blood (same ABO & Rh type as the patient, but any compatibility or antibody screening tests will be performed retrospectively). I can recall numerous occasions when blood samples received from regular patients (such as ante natal patients) show a blood group that differs from the previously recorded or a historic blood group. The cause was usually 2 ladies of the same address 'swapping' appointments at the clinic whilst not realising they may have different blood groups & may also be receiving different medication. Transfusing the wrong blood group can have a fatal outcome, hence the risk is too great not to start from a fresh sample on each patient admission.