1200 Idle Speed High After Installing Tuneboy Cruise & Tune

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Robbo777, Apr 19, 2019.

  1. Hi All

    Just finished installing my Tuneboy Cruise control but I seem to be left with a fairly high idle of at least 1500-1600 RPM.
    I've searched everywhere for a way to lower this but always seem to come up with nothing.

    I thought I'd have a little play and adjusted the srcew in the picture and sure enough it lowered my idle to 1300RPM.
    However everywhere I read about this screw says it is factory set and should not be adjusted, could anyone shed and definitive light on this for me please?

    I do have both a PCV on my bike and I have access to the ECU mapping direct through Tuneboy so is modifying the fueling to a negative number on 0 throttle the way to get the Idle down?

    Many Thanks

  2. As far as I have been adjusting so far regarding balancing and throttle arrangement is that the screw on mine was far out. adjusted it by eye when I removed the throttle bodies and re-set it , so far good, the idle speed was also too high so I compensated by using the air bleed screws to bring it down.
    I have ordered the tuneboy kit and waiting to it arrives hopefully to set it up properly with it as it shows both readings from the MAP sensors.
    You should be able to re-set the TPS also when adjustments are done.
  3. why are you running the PCV now with the tuneboy? Surely a conflict is going to be a major issue now as both are trying to correct the idle on different parameters?
  4. You need to only be running one system which decides what mapping you are trying to run with.
  5. I've now put that screw back to where I found it.

    I've tried the TPS reset and throttle position still shows 2.5% after the reset

    The PCV was already on the bike, I have installed the zero map on the PCV now so it shouldn't actually be doing anything.

    I have loaded 2 Tuneboy Maps, the first one is the standard factory Map, the bike runs lovely with this map its just the tickover that I'm having the trouble with.
    The second map that I have loaded is the Mivv map, I have the full Mivv decat system on my bike, this runs ok in the higher rev range and it ticks over fine its just under deceleration it sounds like someones firing a machine gun, it pops and bangs all over the place.

    I'm going to give the air bleed screws some adjustment now, I've got the throttle balance even according to the TB software.
  6. Adjusting the bypass screws might also fix the popping on the mivv map- easy enough to switch maps as I’m sure you’ve found
  7. Bike now runs lovely

    I turned the front cylinder air bleed screw right in then balanced them by using the TB software and winding in the rear cylinder bleed screw, that brought the tickover down, then reset the throttle position sensors.

    I couldn't find a trim file in the TB database that worked for my bike, I was always left with a compromise, it would either run well above 4k and grumpy below or the other way round.
    so I then took out all trim files from the Tuneboy ECU and installed the standard MAP.

    I then installed the MIVV trim file on the PCV and it now runs absolute awesome, smooth as anything down low and fast as F**K in the higher rev range.

    I'll be taking it to the Dyno soon and I'll do away with the PCV and get it tuned via TB.
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  8. Hi sorry this is quite old
    I’m having issues after mapping with tuneboy

    can you use a standard map then add a trim file to that?

    mine low down is crap and seems rrp be running lean. It’s even flaming out the exhaust
  9. Yes you can.
    Although without taking it to a tuner to fine tune it there will always be a compromise somewhere.

    In the end I chose the standard tuneboy map and used my power commander to get the best for my bike.
  10. The biggest issue I seem to have is that at standstill if I blip the throttle it seems to bog

    when riding it seems ok
  11. None of the tunes I have tried have made a massive difference
    The bike had a exhaust fitted from the last owner who gave me the tuneboy kit

    it seemed to run fine after the exhaust change without changing the map. I’m not sure what map was installed however
  12. Bin the tuneboy. There are more threads about it being useless than working well.
    Just get a professional remap and save your time.
  13. If I replace the standard tune on tuneboy will this sort me out for now
    When swapping the decat and end can it seemed to run well and smoothed it out
  14. Does anyone know how to quieten the de cat and end can lol

    I brought it mainly as the cat was really ugly and needed work

    it sounds good but my god it’s loud. It seems to have the sub killer in as well which is a bit of a worry
  15. I replied in your other thread about tuneboy. Different decats make different noise, but the cat was the primary noise reduction system for the Multi. If you have the baffle fitted then unless you can find a longer one it's probably as quiet as it can be.
  16. Thanks all
    I have had a remap done properly this time
    Bike runs well at speed but I’m having an issue with the bike holding revs coming to a a stop a bit like the choke is staying on

    someone said to adjust the air bleed screws

    the bike also seems a bit rough when cold now but runs well when out and about
  17. You fully close the throttle but the revs hang around 2.5k and very slowly drop back to idle if you wait with no load?

    I have the same issue but it's intermittent and 99% of the time disappears if I restart the bike. (I found a few threads on ducati.ms mentioning similar behaviour). Happens maybe 20% of the time when I start the bike and is worse in cold/wet weather. Try not riding the bike until it's got some temp up, that helps me.

    To be honest I never solved it and learned to live with it when it does occur (some 5 years now). (quick restart at the lights, or clutch in) It could be an after affect of the tuneboy as it developed in the year I ran that system, no dealer could pinpoint an issue and I've been to 3. I've also got mine fully remapped by CJS so it shouldn't be fuel related.
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