Remind me all - what is an optimum idle speed for the 999? I'm pretty sure mine is too low, which is why it frequently dies when you try to set off. It's currently showing just about 1000 rpm, but I'd have thought it should be nearer 1200 or even 1300. What do you think? Is it easy to adjust the idle speed, or does it mean stripping off half the bike to get at some screw or other? Thanks.
Mine is happiest at about 1500rpm, once warm. They may be slightly on the high side but ... works for me. As far as I know, adjusting idle is a big PITA, best left to dealer/expert but I'll be interested to see answers to this question.
1000 to 1100 rpm. The RPM is achieved via correct setting of the CO using diagnostic and using the bypass screws on the throttle body. Section D4 page 25 in the workshop manual.
+1 for Chris, reading the Ducati manuals 1000-1100 is correct, however the bike feels best, I've found around 1100-1200. Mine was idling at about 900 and stalling at times at red lights... I've had a setup done, which consisted of CO levels adjusted, TP reset, throttle bodies balanced, and now sits happily at 1100 all the time, warm or cold, and sounds like it's happy, rather than choking to stay alive
I had my 749s idle set up to about 1200/1400 rpm as it would cut out at traffic lights sounds slightly fast but it works for me dosent do the bike any harm had the co set accordingly
My bike is running a lot better now and has pretty much stopped dying at junctions. What has made the difference? Riding it. It has responded well to being ridden. This seems to me to be typical Ducati behaviour. The more you use them and the more gusto you employ, the more they like it. However, I have started to use the rapid idle lever on starting as it is making starting a whole lot easier. It never used to be necessary.
my experience with Italian cars use it or loose it. all the high millage ones seem to be the better ones.
Have to agree... Takes a little longer to start if it's been laid up for a few weeks. Clutch in, quarter fast idle, away you go....