I would go back to the morning 3 weeks ago when I decided to take my bike into work even though it was chucking it down. Had I taken the train I wouldn't be wearing this plaster on my right arm for 6 weeks......! Oh - and I would have chosen 6 different numbers on the Lottery.
Too many to list, I could go back a week today and say things differently or go back 20+ years... the list is endless
Perhaps I could go back to 1985, to just before my then-fiancée died in a fire, and take a good fire extinguisher with me.
I would go back to the late 60's when my mother and father spilt and work harder at supporting my father. I would jump to 1971 just to make sure that I made the best decision of my life which was to marry my then girlfriend.
September 1977 i should have stayed in Libya sunning myself & working for Col G instead of coming home for an appointment at the church aarrrggghhh.
Tricky Probably reverse my insistence that sending me to boarding school at the age of 11 was a good idea