If you could go back in time...........

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. ...............and change something back to how it was , what would it be?
  2. I would go back to the morning 3 weeks ago when I decided to take my bike into work even though it was chucking it down. Had I taken the train I wouldn't be wearing this plaster on my right arm for 6 weeks......!

    Oh - and I would have chosen 6 different numbers on the Lottery.
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  3. That's just changing something for the sake of it :wink:
  4. I would go back to the moment the Jedward brothers were born and do terrible things to them...
  5. If only I could go back to the time I had black instead of grey hair.
  6. Hmmmmmm, back to '94 and make sure the 748/916 bikes were built properly.....:tongue:
  7. I would make sure I was awake, so that I didn't get married four times.........
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  8. Too many to list, I could go back a week today and say things differently or go back 20+ years... the list is endless
  9. Pick one thing. I did say "something" not "somethings" :wink:
  10. My first marriage!
  11. Perhaps I could go back to 1985, to just before my then-fiancée died in a fire, and take a good fire extinguisher with me.
  12. I would go back to the late 60's when my mother and father spilt and work harder at supporting my father.

    I would jump to 1971 just to make sure that I made the best decision of my life which was to marry my then girlfriend.
    #12 Richard 1200, Nov 2, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2013
  13. The date and time
  14. A year ago and I'll abstain as to why
  15. December 1983 and I would have walked out of the church before my ex wife turned up!
  16. September 1977 i should have stayed in Libya sunning myself & working for Col G instead of coming home for an appointment at the church aarrrggghhh.
  17. Tricky

    Probably reverse my insistence that sending me to boarding school at the age of 11 was a good idea
  18. not smoking would be one.
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  19. I would love to go back to pre 2011 when my body and brain were working properly.
  20. I'd go back to 02-11-13, 13:34 and post this question myself.
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