...........laid up unable to walk properly for about the last two weeks, I was pretty bored stiff. So I thought I would have a look as to why my old Hi Fi CD player was messing about.........The drawer sometimes refused to open accompanied by a sound vaguely reminiscent of a toy machine gun........and then it would open, but shut again immediately. Got the cover off and tentatively removed the CD unit complete.......what a complicated piece of machinery it seemed to be..... ....eventually managed to get it all apart without upsetting any of the laser mounting adjustment points. Wiped all the grease and cr*p off it and carefully put the laser unit to one side. Hidden near the front of the drawer was what I would call a sprung leaf switch on a small circuit board which also the held the drawer mechanism motor. I notice that out of three plastic clips that held the circuit board and the switch in place, one wasn't doing anything and the board was slightly bent........so I had that off as well. Took the leaf switch apart by easing off a tiny star washer and found the switch was filthy inside....... Cleaned it all up with isopropyl alcohol and then tried to find some silicon grease..........Had I got any? No. After deliberation, I decided that vaseline wasn't the right thing to use, because it is basically a solvent on some plastics; so I rummaged in all my gun stuff and came up with a small pot of molybdenum disulphide grease. Reassembled the whole lot (with a spot of supaglue on each of the dodgy clips) and tested it............Works perfectly. So, apart from the fact the grease is black, I got away with not buying a new CD player. Boy, I'm clever. AL
Well done Sir! I love to do this sort of thing, I always feel that I've got one over on the manufacturers who I'm sure build to the minimum spec so that kit has a limited life.
Well done!... I normally do what you did, then lose patience and attempt to put it back together with the aid of a sledgehammer, a blowtorch and so many expletives my neighbours call the police and the local sanitarium... I then sulk, and toddle off to Currys...
I thought I was the only one that does that sort of thing.Mrs Mervyn wont even allow me to rip open,sorry,unwrap parcels.:smile:
I think I even enjoyed doing it................or did I? I was thinking most of the time it probably won't go back together properly or I'll break an important bit of plastic off, then try to refix that with Araldite and then in a bad mood, chuck it all in the bin because I got Araldite on the laser or something..... A tip with lasers, don't rub it with anything...........apparently light use of a very soft sable paintbrush is good for removing dust, but if it's nicotine from smoking use two soft paintbrushes and dip one in distilled water and gently work with that.....don't soak it. Use the other brush to dry it.
That's really good Al , I once disassembled a 3 piece puzzle from a cracker and couldn't get it back together.
No chance that will work for long pal without using the correct torq for the cd ejection carridge............... oh ayup hang on you did fix it .....well done you
Good job! My Mission Cyrus PCM II CD player from the early 90s is now working again after a 10 year lay-off. It would sometimes work, sometimes not. Much more often not than work. So I replaced it with a NAD which I didn't think was as good. But I kept the Mission because I was sure it would be some Noddy part that could easily get it to work again. I'm useless with this sort of thing, but I found a guy who loves rehabilitating hi-fi, so he fixed it for me a few weeks ago. Well, almost. It now needs to warm up before it will create any sound (what bit needs to expand to make a connection, do you think?) but then it sounds just like new. And I was right, it is better than the NAD. Can't figure out though, when it is cold, it is reading CDs cheerfully enough, but no sound comes out. Mystery.
Yup. Many times of the past few weeks. Turn it on, no sound. Leave it for 5 or 10 minutes and it's perfectly happy.
Just leave it on all the time Glidd - then it will stay warm. Isn't that what you are meant to do with all proper hifi?
My CD player doesn't get particularly warm, but the amp flipping well gets hot............If that packs up, it will be straight in the bin.