So that time has come, after a couple of happy years together the purchase of a house is forcing my hand. I can honestly say I've never felt this gutted about selling any bike I've owned before but the Multi isn't like anything I've ever owned before...
Now I'm not well off, far from it, I have to work hard just to stay alive but I've never once looked at a bike I use as a sorce of money for anything other than a different bike. I do feel for you, you're stronger than me because I don't think i could do it.
I'm with you on this one 1037sps For me biking is away of life and to sell my bike to top up a payment for a house or anything, except life saving sugary is just a cop out. there's always something else you can afford with out having to change your way of life. I was kept off bikes for 4 years due to an injury and it killed me, I'm content now I have a bike, I'm just fortunate I got the bike of my dreams, I say this with hand on heart, I couldn't sell her to get a bigger kitchen or a fancier bathroom, no way.
Good luck with the move. bikes come and go, you can get another one in the future if you miss it that much. you might even get another multi again 20 years ago I sold all my bikes except my trials bike and even the car too (kept the wifes one), to buy the house we really wanted. Within a year I had a cheapo car again and another road bike. I dont regret it one bit. Bikes are part of my life, but its all about priorities.
It's an incredibly bitter pill to swallow but the banks are demanding larger deposits these days and the criteria means I need to clear off as much debt as possible to be approved. Getting a mortgage is a total nightmare now, the banks were so reckless in the past that now they scrutinise every detail of your outgoings and although I earn good money they will barely lend 3x my annual salary?! I'm promising myself its only temporary though, the price of houses will go up and the price of bikes will go down so I can afford to buy another Multi in 12 months but probably wouldn't be able to afford the house.... being a grown up is tough! On the plus side for you guys I have a few accessories which I will need to re-home as they wont be sold on the bike so anyone who fancies: Touratech 35l panniers with the Multistrada frame kit and liner bags Alt rider luggage rack powder coated gloss black Ducati Performance seats (rider and pillion) keep an eye on the "for sale" section over the next few weeks