I'm such a moron...are you?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by philoldsmobile, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. I'm in the middle of recommissioning and lightly restoring a Honda CBR 600 FN (1992) I've just resumed the rebuild of the front brakes, as they were seized solid when I got it. One caliper responded well, separated and after a repaint, and some new seals and cleaned pistons went back together with new banjo bolts and bleed nipples looking top shelf. Caliper two was not so compliant.

    After much hot air, swearing, fire and damnation there was no way the caliper was going to separate (they are a two pot sliding caliper) and the caliper was declared a write off. The pistons had come out and were in good condition though, so it wasn't a dead loss. Another caliper was sourced from a breakers in bristol for a very reasonable £20, but while it was serviceable it had been hand repainted silver (instead of black) and was in need of a cosmetic rebuild. As I still had two pistons worth of seals from the kit I bought, I pulled the caliper apart.

    Fast forward to yesterday.. (its been on the back burner for a couple of months due to the accident) We have had notice from our landlords that they want the house back (they are moving into it themselves) so we have begun the process of slowly tidying and boxing things. A tip run was on the agenda yesterday, so the accords rear seats were folded down and it was duly pressed into service. While loading up I noticed the old scrap caliper laying on the bench. in the bin it went.. knowing the pistons out of the replacement caliper were in perfect conditions I grabbed hold of the pistons on the bench and threw them away........all four of them..

    About an hour later, while putting the caliper together I realised something terrible..the CBR has 2 pot calipers..yup.. I had thrown BOTH sets of pistons away.

    Ho hum, Wemoto will be putting some in the post tomorrow. Only £34 with postage, but very frustrating none the less.

    Anyone else done anything stupid like that?
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  2. No. HTH:wink:
  3. Yes. HTH :smile:
  4. thanks HTH :smile:
  5. +1
  6. The horn didn't work on my Katana 1100, a problem with the switch. I popped open the cover, undid a couple of screws and...ping! went the spring and ballbearing...autumn, 4" of rotting leaves on the ground, no chance of finding them. Luckily my mate's crashed GS850 was residing in my garage and had similar switchgear, all I had to do was change the short wiring loom.

    Being smart I decided to do this job indoors, so sat at my desk I set about stripping down the switch...Ping! went the spring and ballbearing, straight through the open window...

    Undeterred, I went down the scrappie's and bought another switch to rob the spring from. Opened it up...Ping!

    Sold the bike...
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  7. Classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. No.HTH.
  9. more and more as I get older but no major throwaways lately HTH.

    by the way, what does 'HTH' mean?
  10. Hope That Helps. HTH.
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  11. Yep. Keep doing stupid things when working on my bikes. Seems par for the course :smile:
  12. Yep...impulsive and impatient moron here
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  13. all we need to do is redirect our available reasoning and memory space to neglected places Phil. It can't be a general 'moron' thing or we wouldn't be safe on a bike would we? looking forward to replies now (LFTRN)
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  14. I think of myself rather as a moron manqué.
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  15. I think of myself as a selective genius. To counteract occasional flashes of brilliance I spend large wedges of time masquerading as a moron....
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  16. I think my petrol in the diesel car admits me to this select club of dumb asses

    I also turned the washing machine on with the cat in it

    I also spent ages trying to work out why the sound wasn't coming out of my car radio once - only to discover someone had nicked my rear shelf speakers
  17. That last one made me chuckle!
  18. Can I also add my ex

    Who waved at me in the car one day as he was travelling in the other direction - he then later sad ,, (after I told him our car had been nicked )- ' I did wonder why you were heading home in the middle if the day '

    Yup he was waiving at the fucker who had nicked my car which was a rather fine 1983 Subaru pickup with the reg 666
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  19. I once traded in a perfectly good Moto Guzzi starter motor for a reconditioned unit..and a couple of weeks later later found out I had a loose earth lead!
  20. this sort of thing is my standard MO..

    take earlier today for example...lobbed some jeans in the wash and set it off.....later i came back to the washer...no jeans....i looked everwhere and couldnt find them..they had just disappeared..this was not surprising as, like i said, this is normal...

    soooo..i took the other washed clothes and went to put them in the drier...hey guess what?? my dirty unwashed jeans were in the drier..still dirty but now also red hot from being on a 90 minute cycle...

    same old same old.
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