Broke down at midway services in whichchurch, Shrewsbury after having a blowout on my trailer and ats have just arrived 87mins after I called them (wankers)!! Happened to see these 3 lads pushing some geezer on a dominator, trying to bump start him. As I'm ex REME, I thought I'd go over and see if I could help. Couldn't get a spark so got him to take the tank and seat off (as I could smell fuel), so as to get to the coil. On inspection the two low tension leads had a very rusty earth, so I decided to have a look at this first. Got the bolt off with a small ratchet that he had (and a pair of maul grips) and cleaned the contact surfaces with a flathead screwdriver and a matchbox I got from the cafe and changed the spark plug (as he had a new one). Started first time. Job done.!!