
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ducbird, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Hi guys and gals
    Someone has opened a Facebook account pretending to be my son this evening and added a few of his friends
    Have reported to Facebook and the police
    Is there anyway you can track or find out where the account has come from
  2. Surely FB can tell you?
  3. Facebook won't do jack unless you report them for abuse.
  4. They will delete the account I'm hoping.
    They have received report and will get back to us in 48 hours
  5. Good luck - don't want a decent lad getting stuck for crap that he hasn't done.

    on the positive side, didn't somebody once say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?
  6. It happens a lot sadly .
    3 of my friends have had it recently .
    Thought it was odd when one friend requested me ...
    I contacted them and said what's up and they said but your on my list still?
    They had copied photos as well :(
    It got shut down but you need to report,
  7. All my friends know that I wont open a Facebook account, but its pretty shamefull that other will open 'fake' accounts :frown:
  8. It's likely to be very difficult to track who opened the account. All you need is an email address. Potentially it may be tracked by the IP but someone would have to be pretty stupid to use a static IP address at home or work to do this.
  9. Saying that it's not exactly the work of a master criminal genius to open a fake facebook account so you may be lucky
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  10. Most young people dont cover their tracks. So will try IP way
    He thinks it might be a boy in another year just need to know who then perhaps we can have a word.
    All has been ok at school and that's the main thing :)
  11. That's what both of us are worried about the repercussions as you know my son is a nice lad
    All ok so far
    Luckily I'm on his Facebook so I put a post up warning his friends
    Thank goodness for the two good friends of his letting him know what was going on
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