In Doors

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by yev, Nov 7, 2015.

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  1. one of my bikes currently lives in my house . someone just told me that i should not have it in the house without having my tank totally drained of fuel? made me a bit paranoid. i recon there is no more than 2 - 3 litres tops in the tank, but do i need actually drain it till its dry?
  2. Just sniff it up
  3. I seem to remember a thread last year about house insurance companies not liking petrol in the house.
  4. Drain it, stinks the place up otherwise
  5. doesn't smell. but would i be wise to drain it anyway? only a little left in the tank?
    do i need to take the tank off? is there any other way to empty it?
  6. simple,, dont tell anybody ;) ( the fact that probablly the amount of money that has gone into product development making your tank safe is more than the value of half the houses in your street is obviously gone unnoticed by most people..)
  7. Open all the doors and windows,fire the fucker up and rev it dry.Joking aside,it is obviously on your conscience so just drain the tank,better safe than sorry for only 10 minutes work,the fuel will be stale come the spring anyway.
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  8. An excellent and well thought-out post, as usual
    I mean, no-one's ever heard of ducati fuel line O rings leaking have they? And the fuel filter O ring has a 100% record of integrity too.
    And just to help you sleep at night, the tank breather disables itself indoors so that no fumes are emitted when the temperature goes up n down as the heating goes on n off.........doesn't it?
  9. ok,do i need to take the tank off or is there a way to get rid of fuel with it on? (without revving it till its dry?)
  10. no..:D
  11. If your happy taking the tank off do it that way,if not just syphon as much as you can then run the bike up for a while for the rest,best take it outdoors.
  12. I keep one of my bikes in my hall all year round. No problem with smell. I leave it outside for half hour or so to cool off and let exhaust fumes clear.
  13. I know several peolpe who keep bikes in doors. Skme you can smeel, some you cant, none drain all the fuel. Worth noting thise that have lots of ventilation, like a hallway with constant air flow, seem not to smell
  14. ok.just checked. can't even see the fuel in the tank. fuel light comes on when turning ignition on. can't be more than couple of litres there. don't really want to fire it up as bike is due for belt change.
    is it really a big deal to leave it as it is??? or would belts not be affected if i just run it in nuteral?
  15. fuck it smells good. might just do it.
  16. How would running it in neutral stop the belts from moving?
  17. Pour some cat litter in it then Hoover it out after an hour, or stuff a babies nappy in there to soak it up
    Ps don't forget to rinse it out with some diesel before you use it next.
    Or just leave it running until it conks out and leave the cap off until the residue evaporates :fearscream:
    #18 Hyperextended, Nov 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2015
  18. @bradders @cherod - abusive/baiting posts have been delete. You have both been given a warning. Now put each other on ignore.

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