In your face Jamie Oliver!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by hugh jaynus, May 4, 2013.

  1. My in-house chef is away on a hen do this week end so I'm left to fend for my self in the kitchen , so I thought I'd share what real men make for dinner, oh yes your eye do not deceive you! That IS a quadroople layered bacon and eggs waffle sandwich with brown sauce and a Ice cold beer! Check out my bad self!
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  2. Phew...for a second thought it was some weird bukkake party where Jamie showed what he really could whip up in 15 minutes
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  3. [​IMG]
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  4. I'm afraid I just don't think that looks very tasty.

    It looks like something a guy would make himself who normally does no cooking and has been left to fend for himself...

    Oh? Really?

  5. Show me some nice olive ciabatta bread toasted, grilled mozzarella, chicken breast topped with watercress, Japanese mayo and cracked pepper.

    Simple, easy to make and goes well with a beer for sure.
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  6. Bloody hell I've eaten that today !
    bacon sarnie this morning, blt bap for lunch and eggs and waffles for tea (with tinned tomatoes for health) :tongue:
  7. Oh and drinking beer now :upyeah:
  8. [​IMG]
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  9. Would you like some quiche with that? ;-)
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  10. Death by sandwich :smile:
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  11. If I had to choose my final hours, death by sandwich would be rite up there! Along side death by BBQ or death by sex with gorgous wimen
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  12. make that simultanous sex ! :)
  13. a heart attack on plate, plus the arrangement of the table is alllll wrong...i wouldve opted for a delicately salted spam fritter garnish, and would certainly have brought the candles into the fore...nothing wrong with a bit of glamour on an octadecker breakfast.
  14. why not just have sex with the sandwich?? ok, its obviously been well fingered, but think of the grease...

    just my two penneth..
  15. Plus you dont have to put up with the "you didnt tell me you loved me" crap you get after.
  16. And it won't buy shoes.
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  17. true and true...

    i know i mentioned that Hugh Jaynus shouldve put a little bit of spam fritter garnish on there (rookie error IMVHO), but im appalled at myself for noticing the glaring omission here...wheres the lime in the bottle of Sol?? come on Hugh, youre not a total animal...pamper yourself a bit mate..youre wurth eet..
  18. ive never had that...probably because its drowned out by the sound of my remoulds spitting gravel.
  19. Ha never had that and do not know anyone complaining about that so it must be a myth ;)

    What I did get from her in last few nights was are you done yet as I am knackered now ... Hm I did most of the work who should be knackered!!

  20. You sure you didn't mishear her, and it was actually " in yet...?" ;-)
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