1200 Indicator Lenses Have Spontaneously Cracked... Or Something

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Keti, Feb 21, 2021.

  1. Has anyone ever seen this happen to their indicator lenses before? They've just sort of gone all foggy and have kind of cracked. They're still both in one piece, and the indicators themselves work just fine. But no idea how this happened. (The scratched on the Barkbuster are nothing to do with it - they're older.) Maybe the recent cold snap? Although it only got down to about -6 C here recently, which doesn't seem too cold. At £140ish to replace, I would kinda like to know how it may have happened so I can hopefully stop it again! Thanks folks :)


  2. I've seen this happen to transparent plastics when sprayed with brake cleaner. However, I don't know if it was some chemical in the spray or the very quick lowering of the temperature of the bodies that were sprayed. Or if they were polycarbonate (they were rollers).
  3. Περίεργο... (and thanks, although sadly nothing cleaning-related has been anywhere near my bike in waaaaay too long :p)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. There is clearly condensation on the inside of the lenses. If it was there before the plastic crazed, -6 might just be a candidate for the cause. Andy
  5. Then as Andy mentioned I could only think of very low temperatures and condensation turning into ice. Maybe the bike was in sub zero temperatures for too long? (Φλώρινα/Καστοριά/Διδυμότειχο...)
  6. Thanks folks. I'm going to go with the condensation explanation. Seems the most logical! There was a cold snap in London a couple of weeks ago where it did get down to minus 6 overnight and not above zero in the day so it stands to reason.
  7. Is it not more likely that the condensation got in after the lenses were cracked?

    I'm thinking it would take more than -6. More so when you consider they are surrounded by more plastic so unlikely to be expansion/contraction issues.

    I notice your Bark Busters appear to be touching the silver part of the handguard, that won't help.
  8. There's been an interesting video doing the rounds on various "safe" cleaning products and the damage they can do to finishes and also plastics. What do you use on it?
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