Hi could anyone tell me if there has been a software upgrade for the main control unit for a 2011 multistrada. I'm having a problem with my indicators, ie o/s not working despite checking the wiring also no hazards. Thanks.
Hi last time I spoke to a Ducati mechanic He said that the main ecu may be going if the indicators are not working properly sorry for bad news I'd check with a few other people on here
Hi Bradders, if both front and rear are not working and nothing on the dash, it may be a command issue, the switch checked with a multimeter for continuity and contact resistance would be the first check, then further down at the bbs control unit again looking for resistance, there is a wiring diagram in the manual, can systems use low voltages and slight resistance can cause big issues, A battery re set can often cure odd function issues, as the control units re set at zero volts and re sync with other network components, this is all basic modern vehicle stuff not specific to ducati but still relevant, i see many control units changed for a wiring/switch fault. forest
Hi again bradders, i just had a quick look, the dash controls the indicators not the bbs,and they are separate front and rear outputs, forest
hi bradders , the switch only has one output / command wire for both left and right. this looks like grey on diagram and goes directly to the instruments, it is sending either 5 volts or earthing/ ground for left or right, so checking at the switch multiplug while plug connected back probe on pin 2 grey with meter on volts . turn left on of you get 0 volts switch to right should give 5 volts, or vice versa, the other functions on the switch group share the earth and 5 v reference voltage so if everything else works it is all there please be careful not to connect to 12 v of battery and under no circumstances use a test light . the rear indicators are controlled by the bbs unit so that's why I suggest going switch first as the bbs is a slave, don't rule out a battery disconnect if all reads ok my bike is not here as having starter switch and software, otherwise I would have checked for you,, forest