Ingenuous Mito

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. forget electricity - hydro-power harnessing wastewater is a viable alternative now :-

  2. That's a mito, so what are u going to do with it?
  3. That needs a honking great single dropping in, or a 250 2 stroke motocross engine...
  4. I think a RM 250 engine is said to be a good fit. I've seen a few YPVS 350 conversions that look awesome.
  5. Personally I think a ypvs engine is the way to go, I'm not convinced by motocross engines in road bikes. Too much vibration and the wrong internal gearing
  6. people usually go RD250/350 and there is even an adaptor kit you can buy all ready for welding on. Any big singles will crack the headstock eventually - got tried many times.
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