Got to renew my bike insurance, and rather than go for a multibike policy I thought I'd get some prices to insure the Shitebird and Guzzi seperately. This of course means that I can't claim ncb for one of them, in this case the Guzzi. The Honda, a fire breathing hyperbike, came in at £105 from Saga (oh, the humility), and that's with pillion, european cover, protected ncb, etc. Happy with that. The elderly, slightly asthmatic, and mildly modified Guzzi came in at...£9667! And that was the cheapest quote!
Simples, I'm just gonna renew my existing policy. I've got another quote for the Guzzi, this time it's £219 with MCE. A bit more like it, but still too dear.
I've done this for years now Fig after having limited options with a miltibike policy. It's initially expensive as you only have NCD on one bike, but after a couple of years it's worth it. I have 9 years NCD on one policy and 5 years on the other 2. I have loads of choice come renewal time. I've also managed to stagger renewal time to spread the expense. Check your renewal with MCE by the way. It's renewal time for my Streetfighter and MCE were £20 cheaper than anyone else but their excess was £1700, the next cheapest quote's excess was £350ish. False economy to take the MCE policy in my book.
mine is coming up soon i think i was about 500 last year. full no claims live in the middle of nowhere. think iv been getting screwed
I won't be using MCE, I think they're the biggest crooks out there. Anyway, more quotes and we're finally down to sensible figures; £100 fully comp with Bennetts, including euro and breakdown cover. That's more like it, but I still thought it would be cheaper now I've turned 50. Incidentally the same company that quoted £9667 are now quoting £250 for exactly the same policy. How the hell does that work?
i dont use comparison sites for the car. after coming off a work policy about three years ago my insurance jumpd to 1100baa due to having no NCD. phoned the aa got it down to 400 fully comp with free brake down cover.
Ah ok. 'Twas just a helpful thought. As always legwork ringing round does eventfully pay off. Good luck.
It's done. Both bikes insured seperately including european and breakdown cover on both, pillion cover on Shitebird and all mods recorded on the Guzzi, for a total of £219. Much more like it.
Are you a young'un or got convictions? If not I think it's just a case of searching harder. My insurance is cheaper now because I'm older (just turned 50), but not significantly cheaper. Also I'm getting insured for older bikes. But I'm pretty sure you can do better than you're currently paying.
I probably went through ten comparison sites and maybe ten to fifteen individual insurance company sites this morning in order to get the prices down. If you can't get them down by searching around you then need to pick up the phone and start talking to them. Then it starts coming down quite quickly. I didn't bother ringing round cos, well, £200 is cheap enough.
Every year for the past ten, once I have a few basic quotes I phone up, and always the rate has come down - the 'admin fees' are the first to be removed.....
I have an elderly friend, Ken, who was moaning down the pub about his car insurance going up again. Turns out he reinsured his car every year with the same company without shopping around. I nearly fainted when he told me how much. 50 years on the road with not a single claim or conviction in his lifetime, and these robbing bastards were charging him nearly 2 grand a year I took him home and showed him how to use the comparison sites. Within ten minutes it was down to under £200, he had tears in his eyes he was so angry. Government regulation of the insurance industry can't come soon enough.
If recent get the insurance ombudsman involved , and any other regulatory bodies you can- on the face of it that's got to be miss selling. The local newspaper might like the story too. The publicity might help other folk in similar positions.