Insurance Claim

Discussion in 'Insurance - Sponsored by Ducati Insurance' started by Justatad, Apr 18, 2023.

  1. I was knocked off my Multistrada November last year, sustained broken elbow & thumb, third party eventually admitting fault
    Third party’s insurer is marshamallow, I’m dealing with 4th dimension as my claim handler, marshamallow are playing games regarding sending payment for the repairs to my bike ( £5200) they sent partial payment to the wrong department etc etc , solicitors are now involved according to 4th dimension, as even though third party was at fault, they won’t play ball
    How long am I expected to wait ?? How long should I wait ??
    I had fully comp insurance, I was under the impression my bike would have been repaired first,then the costs recovered from the third party insurer ? any advice gratefully received.
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  2. It is not uncommon when using a third party claims management company, for the claimant to be left in limbo. There are a number of posts on this forum alone that share your appalling experience. Don’t know what the answer is but a chat with your insurer (not the broker) might help expedite matters. GL. Andy
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  3. I would always veto the claims management company and get a bike specialist solicitor involved, esp where the other party's fault is clear - it can be scary taking that step but they will claim their own costs as part of the settlement so it won't cost you.

    John Measures is one who comes very highly recommended:

    Sorry if that advice is too late to be of any use; as Android says I suspect you simply have to badger and badger - with solicitors it's the squeaky wheel that gets the oil ...
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  4. Thread moved
  5. If you are considering alternative sources of advice and representation to progress your claim, the following company have helped me in the past, with success after months of delay and obfuscation by others with a vested interest:
    White Dalton Motorcycle Solicitors:
    Motorcycle Accident Claims
    Specialist Motorcycle Accident Compensation Solicitors. .
    Good luck,

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