Insurance Company Rip Off's

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. E-Sure home insurance with 24 hour home emergency cover...

    I'll never pay a penny to these clowns again. Had to ring the home emergency cover twice, both times to be told its not covered. Err... Leaky roof causing water to drip through the bedroom ceiling?... What's that if its not a home emergency? So, call the insurance 24 hour claims and log a call. Got told that I will be contacted by a firm who will make the property watertight within 24 hours. 48 hours later and still no call. Phone E-Sure today, and their 24 hour claims line isn't open on a Sunday... In fact, looking at their website, it's not even 24 hours!...

    fuckin idiots. All they kept going on about when I called them first time was about fraudulent claims. £350 excess as well!... Wankers!
  2. Depends if its maintenance related or storm damage. If winds are not high enough, its maintenance, thats householders problem

    But 24hr helpline should be just that!
  3. I maintain my property very well. The only thing I can think of is that my neighbour had building work carried out last year, which included work on the roof... Spoke to him and is is leaking in his loft too...
  4. there is a claim you can probably make if you can prove its his issue, sue his ins company:upyeah:
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