Folks I need some s for the car really, but I suppose it will hold true for motorcycle insurance too.... I had a little bumper bashing on the fault too (dick head that I am) Anyway the claims handling agent tells me if I dont claim ie I fix the bumper myself, then this will not affect my no claims bonus.....even if the other party makes a claim? Can this be true???? or are they just trying to get me not to claim and then next year I find I have no zilch zero no claims bonus.... Any one comment on the no claims bonus only related to your claims or to all claims ie third parties too????
One of the questions asked is "have you had any accidents" regardless of whether you have claimed or not this can affect your premium but should not affect your NCB. But if the third party claims then it will affect your NCB.
Unless you have no claims bonus protection any claim, that is by you if you have comprehensive cover or a third party will effect your NCB . By the way NCB protection is only valid for your present insurer if you change companies they will penalize you for having had a previous claim and reduce your NCB accordingly. Its a no claim not no accident bonus. Insurance companies are in the business of making money and lots of it they could give a toss about you regardless of what the adverts say .
Thanks folks thats exactly how I see it....I am surprised that they can tell such lies....they obviously want me to not claim and fix it myself....thus saving them money.....Arrrggh insurance companies.....dump them in the same can as people smugglers and drug pushers