Just a word of warning..... Received a letter from my insurance co telling me that my insurance was about to expire, and that if I re-signed with them I would get 3 months free! The same add is on the back of this weeks mcn! Well of course I called them! Price appeared more expensive, but when I split it into 15 months it worked out the same as this years price ie no free 3 months grrrr.....but that's not all..... The excess has increased from 250£ to 900£ ..... Now if you take out an annual policy and the next day you write your pride and joy off, not only will you have to contribute £900 towards the loss, but you would also lose the 250 quid you spent on the insurance.... Thats a whopping £1150 loss ie one tenth of the value of the bike, now I ask you where's the insurance in that! Woe'ed and screwed I say! So goodbye MCE hello Motorcycle direct! (remember the bike has gone down in value) so technically the price should have come down too!
Try Wicked Quotes. I dumped MCE when WQ came in at £140 FC for the Multi, half of what MCE wanted for better cover!
Thanks for the info. My fully comp is up for renewal with MCE in September. Will see what they quote me. It's a buyers market so you can always take your custom elsewhere.
I got a great deal with Ducati insurance last year. One of the guys at work suddenly realised his bike insurance had lapsed by one day so he rang up to renew. They said they could n't renew it as it was too late, but could offer him a new policy, which was cheaper as he was now technically a new client! One day somebody is going to figure out that rewarding loyal customers is a better business model...
yup, it pays to move. I almost have an annual schedule of moving bills between credit card companies, insurances, utility bills, broadband, tv, etc... its a like a bleeding job just being at home.
Just moved to MCE this year as a new customer. Guess the kind of rip off above, comes at renewal time. Will watch out, and move if not competitive. As bugs bunny says, I tend to move most of my utilities, insurance etc every 2 years or so. Tend to find year 1 and 2 are competitive, then they become complacement.
I always shop around at renewal time. I can't remember the last time I accepted a renewal, as they are always more expensive than I can get it for elsewhere. Swinton really seem to be buying the market at the moment. I have 2 bikes insured with Swinton, 1 with Wicked Quotes and one with MCE.
I am with Bennetts, shite service but the price is really good for my 'classic' 748.......under a ton so can't complain tbh
I was offered the same 15 month deal by MCE and it made a lot of sense to me. Despite just newly claiming 3 DVLA loyalty points, the renewal cost went down by 12% and by time I added the 15months deal in it worked out at a 30% saving for me. MCE also do trackday insurance which was another reason for sticking with them.
mce here too, always renew at excel bike show ( when they have a stand ) however was alarmed with excess this year, but about a month later they called me to say if I paid an extra £50 if would put access down to £100