Insurance Season - Higher Prices In Spring

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. I have been looking at YZF-R1's all afternoon and I decided to refresh myself on insurance quotes.

    In February i was quoted £1010 fully comp for a 2008 YZF-R1 with many brokers supplying quotes.

    Today I am looking at a minimum of £2600 and only receiving quotes from 2 brokers, one of which is MCE and thus isn't worth the internet it is printed on.

    I didn't think that the time of year that you were quoted would affect policy amount so much.

    I thought I'd pass it on to those who also were not aware, like me.

    P.S. F*** insurance companies.
  2. Holy crap,thats a huge amount,you must be either 17 years old,got loads of points or some claims history.I feel your pain.I certainly wont rub it in by saying what I pay for my ZZR 1400 and VFR combined.You can almost understand why so many dont bother with insurance.:(
  3. Im 27 but have no no-claims bonus as I have deployed every year since I got my license (3 years ago) and keep my bike in the garden. I've never had a claim or been done for speeding, it's just expensive. My car has been around 700 per year for the last 3 years and I've only just managed to get fully comp down to 350 this year on a ford C-Max.
    #3 pingping010101, Apr 19, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2014
  4. I wouldn't bother having a bike if the insurance was that much
  5. It's the penalty for being younger and not building up no claims. I'm sure I'm not the only one paying through the nose for insurance.
  6. Got to admit i am struggling with the bike renewal this year,car and van insurance have halved,aa breakdown cover and bike cover have doubled,its me thats
  7. That quote is madness..unless you happen to live in Tottenham :Facepalm:
  8. Best thing I ever did was pass my car and bike tests at 17. I have a colleague who is 28 but only passed his test last year, his insurance is astronomical. My standard advice to anyone is take your test ASAP, even if you don't intend to buy a car or bike just yet. Right now is the cheapest it will ever be. In fact, right now is the cheapest it's ever been, I paid £15 per hour for lessons 19 years ago. Kids are paid much more (even allowing for inflation) than they were back then, too.

    When I learned to drive I spent 50% of my income on driving lessons.
  9. It's all about risk, 27 years old, riding for 3 years and wants an R1 that will be stored in the garden, what could possibly go wrong!!!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Yeah but what he is saying is that the same risk was present a couple of months ago when he did the quote. The risk is the same as it was then surely?

    Not seeing the same thing on my quotes, same top three prices and companies as back in March when I just resubmitted them a moment ago.
  11. That is exactly what I am saying. They raised their prices at the start of the season by over 100%.
  12. Are you not enjoying the R6?
  13. I have only ridden it 3 times, in February when I was home for 6 days and I loved it. I just get bored sometimes and go looking for other bikes that I like and get fancy ideas in my head. Plus I bought the R6 with insurance in mind as everything else I was interested in was extortionate, but I got a quote on an RC8 last night for £400. I'm tempted to change.
  14. Expensive problem, boredom, sometimes it's best to stick with what you have for a bit, just because you can doesn't mean you have to!

    Listen to me Mr Grown Up!!!
  15. If you knew some of the things I have gone through in the last 8 months you'd understand my willingness to chase the fun times. Just because it might be more sensible to wait doesn't mean one will have as much fun. Life is for living etc. I am all too aware of how quickly it can be lost.
  16. You should have got yourself a 125 shitter from day one you deployed, kept it on cover and use it to gain your NCD.
  17. That would have been a good idea, but too late now.
  18. Honestly how insurance companies calcualte a quote is black magic to us. A minut difference of what you typed in could have caused that.
    Perfect example few years back I moved homes down the road and insurance went up by 100% as in different postcode. Funny enough it was about 1 min walk from my old place and I still had garage there but they did not care. Ended up insuring at same address and forwarding mail.

    Make sure you have put exactly same things in to quote including bike age, predicted mileage and so on.
  19. I know all the details matched as I used a previous quote form Compare the Market and just updated the start date. I didn't change anything else.
  20. Ok while I am certain premiums go up for summer I doubt by so much. It is possible that some of the quotes you had earlier (some of the companies/brokes) either refused to quote on you now plus some quoted higher and order of quotes has changed because of that.
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