have taken a scan through similar threads and nothing major has popped up, anyone try the LED tail light with integrated indicators? I'm looking to tidy the arse up on my soon to arrive '12 pani S, thought this would make a neat job of it and relocate the number plate down low. The description isnt massively big on detail, but from what i can gather its a plug and play job. No MOT here in Ireland which is great! Anyone give them a shot? DUCATI 1199 899 Panigale R S Integrated Blinker Taillight Smoke 12 13 14 15 2016 | eBay
Try looking at Gecko's latest creation. Pretty sure the strobes are DEFO illegal in the UK as may be the minimum spacing between the indicators but this is BY FAR the best version I have seen to date. Hope he manages to get it into production. Take a look here: DIY Sequential Tail Light - Ducati 1299 Forum
I have the taillight with integrated turn signal from Compitation Werkes, perfect working! Of course there is al lot of talk that the turn signals are not so bright as OEM but there okay in my opinion. I hate the enormous rear flap thing which law in Europe puts on all sport bikes..
These are quite neat, and also remove the problem with the hole in the panel when you remove the number plate holder/indicator mount. Motobox Ducati Panigale Slimline LED Fender Eliminator Kit 899 959 1199 1299 Trn | eBay
I've just purchased the integrated taillight from Design Corse for my 899; Ducati 1199 959 1299 899 Panigale Integrated LED Tail Light I know its not road legal in the Uk due to the indicator spacing but I'm happy to take that risk. Does anyone know of any 'how to' videos relating to the installation? Its not due to arrive until early next week but I like to know what I'm up against. Thanks in advance.
Why not download the workshop manual. I have free downloadable copies on my website that will answer this and many other questions if you are unsure of how to work on your bike. Just go to: Ricambi Moto The 1199 workshop manual will cover what you need. Regards.. Topo Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk