Interesting thought.. I've taken a couple of I.Q. Tests recently, while I don't place too much stock in their validity, both returned decent scores. I've noticed there are quite a few people on here who clearly are very clever, so my question is this...(to everyone, not just high fliers, there is no right or wrong answer to this) Away from any financial reward, do you feel intellect is actually beneficial, or does it cause angst, frustration and concern? Would you be happier with a simple life free from worry or do you feel genuine concern for issues such as climate change, energy dependency, social issues and the general position of the world in general. In short, do you feel intellect is a blessing or a curse?
As if, who's going to step up to the mark to answer that one first apart from someone without much intellect! Ah...................................Dam :Wideyed:
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt" :Woot:
made you a very convicing liar tho, eh most arent intelligent; they have great memories. entirely different thing
Better for people to think youre an idiot,than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!So Im saying nuffin.