Interesting Pic from International Space Station .

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by eyore, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. 30578759331331401974340.jpg
    Amazing pic taken yesterday evening, BristolChannel in bottom left, Wales, Anglesea just hidden in cloud, Isle of Man, Solway Firth,and the sunny bit at the top centre is Co Clare and Galwaywith the Shannon Estuary and Loop Head clearly visible.

    • Like Like x 4
  2. I can see my house...:biggrin:
  3. So can big brother, there have been complaints about the state of your garden:tongue:
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Damn, don't show stuff like this - now I wanna get up there to see the rest ;)

    Hang on, what if I'm scared of heights???:rolleyes:
  5. If you want to see more of his amazing pics then search for "Col. Chris Hadfield" on facebook. He's the current commander on the ISS and the stuff he's been posting up is truly awe inspiring.
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