inversion table…..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. Yes, my wife Deb has been using one for most of this year. She got sciatica in November2012 and swears by it !
  2. Will it make me taller? There isa. Lot for gravity to get hold of...
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  3. Only for removing the butt plug
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  4. I had a go on it and it does feel like your legs are gonna come out of your hip sockets. So I suppose it does make you a bit taller while your on it. :smile:
    #5 clueless, Dec 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2013
  5. Bummer Brads its only good for 150kgs. :wink:
  6. I thought it was for looking up phone number area codes.............
  7. Is this table a useful device for those who are up their own arse? Will they be down their own arse when on the table?
  8. Nope they will be arse about face.
  9. Oh well, back to the drawing board.........
  10. I'v been on the table this week, after my back started aching again........ Brilliant bit of kit IMO.

    I would recommend it to anyone with a bad back ! :smile:
  11. Clueless... If you are still working out insanity style your back pain, if in the lower area just above your bum, may be caused by problems in your legs. Particularly your hamstrings and glutes. A Leg/ass stretch 3 times a day can sometimes sort a bad back quicker than the time it takes to see a doctor, if there Is no underlying or pre-existing condition
  12. Just wear and tear I'm afraid Tom.

    Humping glass, crawling through scaffold, ju jitsu and being 50 years old ! :cool:
  13. Try it, then let us know please.
  14. Are you going to start wearing a cape as well?
  15. you need some regular exercise Andy. I'd recommend cycling.

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