Iphone 6/6 Plus Mounting

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Stefanos, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. Hi guys,

    For all the sbk owners with clip-ons, has anyone solved the issue for successfully mounting a iphone 6/6 plus for sat-nav purposes ? I used to have the Garmin Streetpilot series (which was great btw) but it looks like they dont support the latest iphone generation..

    Thanks in advance !!
  2. Ther isnt a great vhoice out there yet, just those waterproof satnav type holders. Unlike ip4 wher I had an ultimate addons one which was ace. Waiting for them ti develop one
  3. I got a Tigra mount for my iPhone 5, it works really well, I believe they do one for an iPhone 6 now.
    I adapted the mounting bracket so that it mounts with the RAM Mount and that in turn is mounted down the centre stem, so the result is a waterproof mount in the centre of the yoke. Simples!

    I'm pleased with it but just wish I had an iPhone 6,then I'd do the same thing again. Adapt isn't difficult, just need a drill, a machine screw and a little bit of black Sugru.
    Pictures if you want them. Tigra mounts on eBay.
  4. Hey, Id be keen on pics if you have some? Would like to do the same thing.
  5. Ultimate addons now do one, best waterproof mount you can get imho
  6. Would you know which one best for a 998.. Fork Stem Yolk mount?
  7. Check out the options google u/a am sure you could easiy get a ram mount ball to fit it
  8. I just punched "iPhone 6 Plus waterproof motorcycle" into eBay. Happy with mine and it was about £15. No leakage and sturdy.
  9. Buybits has produced a decent solution (looks like one at least) for the sbk848, it fits in the clipon and that creates a base for a RAM mount.. check it out on the net or on ebay
  10. The UA has a purpose built hole for a charger cable rather than making one
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