Iphone satnav software

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Loverobot, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. What are people using ? Want something better than a straight tom tom type satnav as want to put in routes - almost like .gpx files when using my garmin oregon on the mountain bike

    Also does anyone use software for petrol stations that is reliable? They all are closing in the dales and want an app that will id and route to the nearest reliably?
  2. I've just bought the latest TomTom Rider European (V3) with lifetime maps. Using the Tyre software now integrated into TomTom Home allows you to upload a route/itinerary to the satnav.

    On my iPhone I have NAVV installed, it cost £17.99 and is the Western Euro Maps version. It allows itineraries but you have to do it on the iPhone.

    The POI for the Dales' Petrol Stations is a difficult one. Would probably need a custom POI creating. Definitely something you need you know with an 1198!!!
  3. Exactly my reason for asking lol - I havent even ridden in a spirited way yet and light came on at 80 miles !
  4. Moved to clothing and gadgets :smile:
  5. On the iPhone I use TomTom, GoogleMaps, and have recently started looking at Waze (when riding in groups).

    - TomTom is still the easiest to use, and being offline does not require data / data connection.
    - GoogleMaps is ok, but the voices aren't great and I find the voice guidance does not give you quite enough notice to turn before the junction itself.
    - Waze is good if riding out with others in convoy.
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