PUNCTURES!! I have now got another puncture on my rear tyre that i only changed some 200 miles ago. It is always the rear and always seems to be a shard of glass. I am now on my forth rear puncture in owning the bike some 4 months!! 3 new rear tyres and i can't believe it? I have owned big cc's Hondas and never once suffered a rear puncture. What is it about the ducs??? is it the way they deliver the grunt low down and seem to bite into what ever is in the central reservation?
Only once had a puncture on a bike ( only once on a car in 500k miles too!) I'd say its more to do with your riding style! Central reservations are bound to harbour crap!
I went through a phase of picking up punctures on brand new rear tyres on my Ducs. Then I stopped working in Worthing and the problem ... went away. Odd, that.
:biggrin: Remind one's self to steer clear of central road crap areas!!!! Does that mean i cannot overtake when i want to?????
Not had a bike puncture for a while, but as a rule or thumb if I get a new tyre/tyres fitted on the car or have a puncture fixed I cant guarantee that with in a week I will have a flat
I would agree with the above - more a question of where you are riding rather than what! Stay out of the crap in chequered island-markings around roundabout exits & anywhere that other vehicles tyres dont go, your "overtaking" is costing you money. :wink:
Touch wood I never had a puncture I kept away from any gravel area as I had a fear of it I guess these areas harbour all the nasty bits keep out of them
Try to never get a front puncture, they're really quite scary. Took me half an hour to extract the seat foam from my sphincter...
Managed to run over this little lot which some **** had left in the middle of the road, killing a perfectly serviceable Michelin Pilot Race... Nasty gash at top of second photo - & that aint going to be patched! :wink: Luckily only doing 30mph at the time exiting a busy roundabout, getting that at motorway speeds or even in the front tyre would Not Be Good.
Quite! Someone had squished it before, the fronttyre must have flicked one of the blades upright into the back tyre? Dashed inconvenient. :wink: The recovery chap was like "Puncture is it?" "We'll have that fixed & you back on the road in no time!" "You fking won't!" :biggrin:
Wow....................................... you must have really small hands cos that coach bolt looks HUGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin:
I had similar to Figaro on my cbr125 but as they were skinny tyres it went through the rim. I had plenty punctures on 125's, one on front on monster 750 (very old tyres) and it was not that scary. Then one more on m750, 749 and m900. In my case most of them happened on old tyres and I ride in those dirty areas.