It was the end after the 'Jolly boys outing' episode. It went downhill after Rachel and Cassandra appeared if you ask me.
The BBC have obvioulsy run out of ideas and have just decided to resurect all the old sit-coms... A one-off Open All Hours was not too bad, but has anyone seen Birds Of A Feather? What a load of unfunny tosh! I'm willing to bet that if they bring back Only Fools And Horses it will be the same - dated, unfunny rubbish...
God I hate that I know this, but Birds of a Feather isn't a BBC programme anymore. Its now on ITV. Biggest problem with OFAH is that the beeb still don't have the reproduction rights for the music that was used in the programme. This is why the DVDs are cut to ribbons. However, they still get broadcast uncut on Dave and the beeb when needed as they have unlimited broadcast rights. Its a funny old world Dave
Oh yes, I hadn't noticed that it's moved to ITV - I probably just assumed that as it was crap it was on BBC...