Is nothing sacred

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Just read on zite that Kevin spacey is to play sir Winston Leonard spencer Churchill in a new film. Wtf. How is this possible so he lives in London starts to talk with an effected uk accent now he thinks he can play the greatest British leader of modern times. Wrong on so many levels fecking septics
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  2. It's a film FFS. Who cares? (apart from you obviously). Get a grip. :p
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  3. kevin spacey is a great actor, but i recon it will only reinforce the view across the pond that it was the Americans wat won the war.
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  4. I'll have £5 on it with you, that he'll actually be quite good. :)
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  5. All the Americans I work with are positive that they saved our skins in both World Wars. One even told me that the Battle of Britain was won by American Pilots????
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  6. This gig should go to john prescott

  7. now that could be a great film........the famous new York millionaire Churchill arrives in London with a squadron of Boeing spitfires just as the Nazi forces are crossing the channel , they swoop down and destroy first the Bismarck and then Gering and the film ends with hitler looking to the skies shaking his fist shouting " id have goten away vif it if only vor those dam American shwine!!!! "
  8. They did, just like how they won Vietnam, and both gulf wars..
  9. Is this the same Kev that wander's around Hampstead Heath in the middle of the night :Cigar:
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  10. Don't forget how they also won the Korean War
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  11. Once you change the definition of 'win' it's amazing how much more successful you can become.
  12. You ungrateful bastards, if it wasn't for Steve McQueen we'd all be speaking German:mad:
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  13. Well not to mix it but ....;)

    Daniel Day-Lewis (born in Greenwich London SE10 ) played Lincoln...:)
  14. IIRC according to the film 'Enigma' it was the Yanks that swiped the machine and broke the code thus leading to the end of the war. They bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to create Godzilla. FACT
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  15. Thank you Americans I love Godzilla :)
  16. Churchill, you will remember was half American (his mother)., So maybe it's quite appropriate.
  17. I wouldn't egg him on for the part, but at least he punches above his weight.
  18. That would be some punch..,
  19. Americans like to whoop and holler and big themselves up. The concept of modesty, veracity and accuracy has no influence on them. However they did save our ass. Although the truth is subjective, there is no denying the sacrifices their men gave and humouring them is at least respectful.

    Kevin Spacey is a fine actor and an Anglophile. I'm pretty certain he will be very good in the part. He also saved 'The Old Vic'. He's a good guy.
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